Weekly Update: August 5



The Common AppⓇ has rolled over! Not too many changes to report this year in the main part of the application, though the application continues to tweak where and how students report their legal sex, gender, and preferred pronouns. There is also a slight change to the section about fee waivers. If, like our clients, you started working on the application before the rollover, make sure you are going back to confirm that everything has carried over properly and all the questions are answered! 


Along with the new application come new supplemental essays! It seems like more schools changed their longtime prompts this year than ever before, with major changes at UVA (we covered these in an earlier post), Penn, NYU, and more!


UVA’s College of Arts and Sciences will welcome a new dean this September. Christa Acampora grew up in Virginia, and currently serves as deputy provost and professor of philosophy at Emory University. She previously worked within the CUNY system. Dr. Acampora will arrive on Grounds on September 1. 


A team of researchers at MIT has designed a new model that is capable of solving college-level math problems. Students and faculty from MIT as well as Columbia, Harvard, and the University of Waterloo, have been working on the system for the past two years. The team hopes that, though the algorithm won’t be replacing university professors, it will help improve math education at the college level.  


Tulane is offering students a mock application review session to help them experience what goes on “on the other side of the desk” in the admissions office. We highly recommend students take advantage of this fantastic opportunity! The session takes place on Monday, August 8 at 5:00 pm ET and students can register here.


If you are a rising senior going back and forth on whether applying Early Decision is worth it (it usually is!), check out this chart for more information on the acceptance rates of ED versus RD students at a variety of schools.

Every year as we work with our juniors on their activities section (which we will start for the Class of 2024 next month!), we have students who hesitate when they say that they’ve never had an internship or research experience because they were working. But having an after-school or summer job can be a great experience to share with colleges! This opinion piece from the New York Times agrees: jobs teach a number of lessons, including managing your time and interacting with an employer. 

After the activities section, our juniors move on to brainstorming for their college lists. For the majority of students, a traditional green campus is a must-have. But this opinion piece argues that the institution of the college campus actually separates colleges from “the real world” - and not in a good way. It is certainly an interesting perspective to consider. 

Navigating all of the big changes of early adulthood has always been tough, but for this generation in the midst of the pandemic, it is even more of a challenge. We liked this article with tips from psychologists on navigating a “quarter-life crisis,” which would be a great read for many high school and college students. 

Finally, many of our students are starting on the head-scratching UChicago prompts this week - and luckily, we have a system for tackling these “Quirky Topics” essays! If you are interested in some of the wackiest essay questions for the 2022-2023 cycle, check out this WSJ article. I just love that Ben & Jerry’s prompt!


Week 1 of August is done, with 73 appointments (that is not a joke!) and I believe 4 different application guides behind us. Many of our students have rolled over their Common ApplicationⓇ, our essay coaches continue to work through supplemental essays, and we are so impressed with how hard our students are working. For many of them, this is the final stretch - and they will definitely see their hard work pay off this fall! 

Finishing up with our current seniors this month also means that we will have plenty of space opening up in the fall for Late-Start Seniors. If you are interested in working with us this fall, check out our Late Start Waitlist page for more information.

And finally, we’re on TikTok! Follow me for more insight and information about the college admissions process - including the five things I DEFINITELY wouldn’t do if I were applying to college in 2022. 

(P.S. I need some more video ideas!)

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Meet Stephanie!

Our newest essay coach, Stephanie, is guest blogging with an introduction today!

She started a while back, so many of you have already met her in essay coaching meetings. We hope this post helps you get to know her a little better.

Greetings! I'm Stephanie Leow, a new essay coach at DC College Counseling. 

College essays have fascinated me since high school. As a Northern Virginia native with huge college dreams, I felt the admissions process looming over my head. Dedicated mentors guided me through drafting an essay about goofing multiple piano recitals, but still maintaining my love for playing when no one was watching. That essay is still one of my favorite pieces I've ever written--a feeling that I hope to foster in other writers.

With that essay, I applied to three schools--Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Virginia--and was grateful to be accepted to all of them. I chose Georgetown because of the community I had found at the admitted students weekend. Although I entered college undecided, leaving the remnants of my pre-med ambitions in high school, I ended up studying a trifecta of language: a double major in Linguistics and English and a minor in Spanish. 

I've always aspired to be a professor, but was unsure of my area of study until I began working at the writing center as a sophomore. I felt an affinity to the center, even becoming the Teaching Assistant for the training course. As much as I loved learning about literature or second language acquisition, I had a stronger passion. At my core, I geek out for writing.

I graduated from Georgetown in the top 5% of my class, and now I am pursuing a PhD in English (Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies) and teaching first year writing at Arizona State University. I have researched students' cognitive processes while writing essays and their representations of identity in personal essays, as I strive to incorporate my takeaways into my coaching practices.

Beneath all of my work is my love for storytelling. I engage with creative writing communities and literacy magazines, as well as cook, garden, and travel. But any interest is even better when I can share it, so I hope I can share my passion for storytelling with you! I'm looking forward to learning about your adventures, adorations, awkward moments, and aspirations. For these reasons, I'm thrilled to be working with DC College Counseling.

Want to meet with Stephanie?

You can book a session right here!

Wondering who our other essay coaches are?

Weekly Update: July 29



The 2022-2023 Common Application® will be released Monday, August 1, after a several-day shutdown period.  We’re excited! We will be hard at work on Monday updating all of our application guides, and our clients and membership vault subscribers will have access early next week!


The undergraduate program at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business has been extended from two to four years, thanks to a $30 million dollar donation from a Haas alumnus. The first class will enroll in the new four-year program in August 2024. For applicants, this means that rather than applying as Berkeley sophomores to begin the business program during junior year, they will apply as high school seniors to enter the program as freshmen. 


In other California news, Caltech announced several updates to its admissions process this week. The school will continue to be test-blind for two additional years - meaning that they will not consider test scores even if students do submit them. This brings the moratorium on test scores to five years total. The university is also replacing its current Early Action program with Restrictive Early Action beginning this fall - the REA deadline will be November 1. The program will also be open to international students with financial need for the first time.


Clarence Thomas announced this week that he will not be returning to teach at George Washington’s law school this fall. After ten years of teaching constitutional law, Justice Thomas made his decision to leave in the wake of student protests against the overturning of Roe v. Wade


On Wednesday, at least 13 colleges in Alabama and 5 in Mississippi faced bomb threats, including Auburn University and Mississippi state. Four campuses were evacuated. The threats affected universities all over both states, but as yet no suspect or motive has been identified.


Slate published an article this week exposing the process of institutional financial aid at many colleges (not to be confused with federal college aid) - calling it a “scam.” While some elite colleges, like the Ivy League, provide need-blind admissions and meet 100% of student need, this is not the case at most colleges and universities. But many schools instead use algorithms to identify how likely students are to attend the college and how much they or their families are willing to pay. The article encourages students to think of paying for college like they would another commodity, rather than trusting colleges to have their best interests at heart. 

It makes sense that with the price of college and the size of loans rising, some Americans are questioning whether college provides value to the country. While 73% of Democrats think higher education provides value, the number of Republicans is only 37%. But despite being divided on value and who should pay for college, about half of people in both parties think that it isn’t possible to receive an affordable college education in the U.S.

The next emerging market sector appears to be the metaverse, and it might be a good idea for students hoping for jobs in the field to begin thinking about the best programs to pursue. This Forbes article identifies degrees in computer science, game design, and virtual reality as some of the best programs to pursue for skills that will be applicable to the metaverse. 


I (Colleen) was featured in a U.S. News article this week about high school GPA scales. Most students know that GPA is a major factor in the admissions process, but colleges consider GPA in the context of the rigor of curriculum, the reputation of the high school, and other factors like the idiosyncrasies of recalculating GPAs. In theory, colleges will have information from school counselors that allows them to understand the context of a GPA - but this isn’t always the case in practice. 

I was away from the office this past week (see below!) and will work through my email this weekend - thanks in advance for your patience! As always, anyone with urgent needs should contact Donna/Courtney or Shannon.

And lastly - it is hard to believe this is already our final weekly update of July! The Common App is rolling over this weekend, and we will hit the ground running on Monday with our class of 2023 students. August is our busiest month of the year, but it’s also the most fun - we love seeing our students’ hard work all come together!

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Weekly Update: July 21



So new we don’t even have a link - but the Washington State flagship UW-Seattle, one of the last Common App holdouts, will now accept the Common Application for the upcoming admissions cycle. Yay! Come on, Rutgers - time to get on the bandwagon!


While college health centers have long provided a variety of reproductive care for students, including birth control and STD screenings, they do not typically provide abortion care. Some colleges are responding to student demands to provide the abortion pill - UMass Amherst will begin to provide it in the fall, and California law requires all UC schools to provide medication abortion by January 2023 (some, like Berkeley, already do). 

But many public and private universities, especially those with strict or changing abortion laws, may not be able to legally provide this to students. Colleges also cite security and privacy concerns around providing these services on campus. 


The pandemic has seen a number of colleges go out of business, and several of these struggling schools have merged with larger universities. Northeastern, which put together a special M&A team to handle acquisitions, has absorbed Mills College, a Silicon Valley women’s college that went under during COVID-19. Northeastern hopes the opportunity to study in Silicon Valley will better prepare its students for future careers in the tech industry. This is just the latest of 95 college mergers in the last four years - more than in the previous 18 years combined. 


In response to growing climate anxiety and powerlessness on college campuses, some students have turned to areas where they can make a difference - like stopping the use of toxic pesticides on school grounds. Toxic chemicals are often used at universities to keep up the picturesque green quad and vibrant landscaping, but the organization Herbicide-Free Campus is working to end that practice. 

The organization now has chapters at Brandeis, Emory, Indiana, and Berkeley, among others. Students who belong to HFC spend time working on their campus grounds, pulling weeds alongside the campus grounds team. 

Some schools, like Harvard, have already transitioned to fully organic lawn care - a practice that HFC says has reduced irrigation needs by 30%. HFC hopes to see every campus go organic by 2030.


Starting in Spring 2023, Honors College students at Texas State will be able to do just that, in a course titled “Harry Styles and the Cult of Celebrity.” Students will study both Styles’ solo albums and the albums of One Direction in a contemporary history class that explores gender, sexuality, fandom, the internet, and consumerism, among other themes. 


If you watch movies or read the newspaper, it may seem like an athletic scholarship is the key to a full ride to college. Pop culture is rife with examples of students beating the odds and heading happily off to their dream school, which their parents could never afford without the coveted football scholarship. But only one in 100 top high school athletes actually receive a full ride, and the process of competing for one can often be nearly as expensive as in-state tuition! If you’re considering spending money on camps, equipment, or recruiting services, check out this article first - you may be tempted to put the money into a 529 account instead. 

In expectation that the current Supreme Court is likely to end affirmative action in college admissions, check out this opinion piece to learn why this might actually be a good thing. The writer argues that instead of focusing our efforts on admitting students to colleges when they may not be academically prepared, we should instead help students at younger ages receive the support they need to be successful at elite universities later on. 


We have so many swim coaches working with us this year and the NVSL season is coming to an end this weekend - good luck, everybody!

A few cool things to share this week:

  • If you’re a class of 2022 student gearing up for your freshman year, check out this free webinar - illustrating how to build the habits that will help you transition into college life. The event - Tiny Habits for College Success - takes place next Wednesday 7/27 at 2:00 pm ET. The event is also open to parents with current or future college students in their lives :) 

  • If you’re younger and/or will be in DC next year, have you heard of the Kennedy Center’s MyTix program? I just learned about it this year. Students from kindergarten through I believe graduate school are able to purchase two deeply discounted tickets to lots of performances- one for the student and one for a companion of their choice (parent, etc). They sent out an email this morning about the “MyTix Mix” subscription package for next year- it’s such a great deal if you enjoy the arts, and some of the seats are surprisingly decent! Tickets range from $15-$35 per show. If you don’t want to commit, sign up for MyTix emails anyway and you’ll get new offers every Monday morning for individual shows.

Have a great weekend! I’m out of the office next week, but Shannon will be back and holding down the fort.

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Our Top 10 Most Mind-Blowing Supplemental Essay Prompts

One of our favorite things about this time of the year is tracking the release of supplemental essay prompts. (Check out our database for the most-up-to date list). While many schools stick to classical questions about academic interests and extracurricular involvements, others get a bit more creative and bold. Depending upon the particular college or university, students could find themselves creating personal hashtags, collecting the soundtrack of their lives, or even explaining how Olive Garden can possibly offer unlimited breadsticks.  

Many college admissions blogs have collected their favorite quirky supplemental essay prompts, but here at DC College Counseling, we like to write “outside the box”- just like we encourage our students to do. So in the spirit of creativity, we’re sharing our top 10 list of most mind-blowing supplemental essay topics.

Top 10 List

We’re so inspired by Wake Forest’s infamous ‘Top 10’ that we couldn’t help but answer their prompt in our blog today. For years, applicants have been challenged to create a top 10 list for the admissions team. Any theme, any topic, any concept goes! With no limitations, this prompt all-but-begs for creative risk-taking. A generic collection of favorite foods or best movies of all time won’t cut it here. Students have to stretch their imaginations if they want to move to the top of Wake’s list.

A Mouthful of Advice

UChicago is famous for its eccentric supplemental essay topics. In the past, applicants  have been asked to ponder deep questions like “Where is Waldo, really” and “​​What is square one, and can you actually go back to it?”  

So who comes up with these quirky topics? UChicago actually takes suggestions from its own student body to craft their five annual prompts. Although the essay topics change dramatically from year to year, one thing remains the same. Choice six, otherwise known as “choose your own adventure” allows applicants to select any essay prompt from a previous UChicago admissions cycle.

The 2023 prompts have just been released, and we think this one is a real mind bender: what advice would a wisdom tooth have?  Students better brush up on their personification skills if they want to get at the root of this question.

A geographic conundrum

If you follow us on social media, then you probably know by now that the University of Virginia completely overhauled their supplemental essay topics for the 2022-2023 cycle. Gone are the days of the 250 word essays. As part of the application, students are now required to choose from a list of 11 topics and write two- 50 word responses. Sounds easy, right? Well, not exactly. Some of the prompts are definite brain teasers. Just take a look at choice #9: tell us about a place you’d like to share with everyone, but also keep to yourself. Tackling an antithetical prompt like this one is going to be an exercise in irony and ingenuity, that’s for sure.

Ice cream, anyone?

Cleverly capitalizing on its location, UVM took inspiration from Burlington entrepreneurs Ben and Jerry for one of its supplemental essays. Last year, applicants had 500 words to reflect on the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor- real or imagined- that best describes them.

This was definitely one of our favorite fun topics in the 2022 cycle, but we know it caused a brain freeze for some student writers. With over 100 Ben and Jerry’s flavors to choose from, many applicants were left wondering: what do caramel swirls and brownie bits really say about me?

Tell the truth!

What is the truest thing that you know? This has been Villanova University’s philosophical take on supplemental essays for the past few years. And yes, the truth will continue to prevail this admissions cycle. Applicants who select this prompt from the list of five choices will have to grapple with some deep concepts if they want to produce a meaningful response. What exactly is the truth? Where can you find it? And what do you do with the truth once you discover it? Then they’ll have to capture all of this contemplation succinctly in 250 words. 

So in conclusion, the truest thing we know is: this essay question looks deceptively simple, but it’s actually the most mind-blowing prompt on Villanova’s supplemental essay list.

Anything Goes!

Some schools have very structured topics and guidelines, but that’s not the case at The College of William and Mary. Here “anything goes” –well, anything except a boring response. For years, W&M  has prompted applicants to explain what makes them unique and colorful —and with “attitude.”  As if this isn’t enough of a creative challenge, the admissions team proclaims, “Inspire us, impress us, or just make us laugh!” 

To captivate their audience, student writers have to abandon their formal academic tones and inject their essays with much more character and flair! We know this is a real mindbender for those who haven’t thought much about writing style before, but there’s a lot of fun to be had in this personality-promoting essay.  Remember, anything goes–if W&M sticks with the same prompt this admissions cycle. Wait and see!

A picture is worth a thousand words

Rice University has a reputation for quirky traditions, and one just happens to appear in the admissions application. In addition to supplemental essays, applicants must also submit an image of something that appeals to them. This space is affectionately referred to as “the box.”

Now uploading a photo might seem much quicker and easier than writing another essay. However, many of our students have admitted to spending more brainstorming hours on this prompt than the essays themselves. After all, the picture has to speak for itself because no captioning is permitted. And it better say something truly original about the applicant!

Would you like fries with that?

Last year Pomona College posed a seemingly silly question to applicants: what’s your favorite way to eat a potato? Mashed? Hashed? Fried? The most mind-blowing part of this prompt for some might have been wondering why the admissions team thought applicants needed 50 whole words to answer it. However, for some, this became a deep and thoughtful question. Why, you might ask? Well, because every single supplemental question is a chance for applicants to reveal something deeper about themselves, no matter how you slice or mash it.

Have a little heart

In 2019, Notre Dame added a bit more heart to the standard ‘why this school’ supplemental essay.  For the past three admissions cycles, applicants have been asked: how do you hope a Notre Dame education and experience will transform your mind and heart? 

With a soulful side to the prompt, a powerful verb like transform, AND a strict word limit, it’s no wonder students have been stumped by the question. The wording can easily trick applicants into writing vague responses about critical thinking and kindness. Really, though, the heart of this prompt is still ‘why this school.’ In 200 words or fewer, students need to show they’ve done their homework on Notre Dame and understand how the school will help them grow personally and academically. This tricky prompt definitely requires a fighting Irish spirit to prevail, especially if it appears again on the application this year.

A Wonderful Essay

Did you know that Dr. Seuss is a Dartmouth alumni? The college is honoring the famous author this admissions cycle in one of its supplemental essay prompts: Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Geisel of Dartmouth’s Class of 1925, wrote, “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” What do you wonder and think about?

Studies have found that we have about 6,000 thoughts per day. So how does an applicant choose just one to discuss in their application essay? We’re guessing that the more student writers wonder about their thoughts for this prompt, the more thoughts they’ll continue to generate. And so the Dr. Seuss cycle goes…which doesn’t exactly make writing this 250 word essay easy. 

Need help with supplemental essays?

Book a session with us here. We have a team of essay coaches ready to help students craft strong, memorable responses!

Weekly Update: July 15

We’ve got plenty of news for you from the past two weeks after taking the holiday week break!



Penn has announced two great programs for high school seniors, serving students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in order to underscore their commitment to a diverse class. The Early Exploration Program is a month-long program will allow students to meet with current students and admissions staff to learn more about Penn and participate in workshops on writing essays and preparing for interviews. If you are a low income and/or first generation student, you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity!


BC received a gift of $1.25 million this week from an alumnus, in order to endow a head coaching position for BC’s skiing program. BC’s ski team sent its first student to the NCAA Championships in 2018, and has sent seven other skiers to national championships in the years since. 


Five students at Cambridge University have died in the last five months, and the school is now opening an investigation into these tragedies, one of which has been confirmed as a suicide. While the university is not releasing information in order to protect the students’ privacy, a spokesperson said that they do not believe there is any connection between these incidents. 


Dartmouth, Duke, and Michigan have all made announcements about changes to their MBA application process for the MBA class of 2025. Duke has announced a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion concentration to the program, for a total of 17 concentration options that students have during the application process. The university also created the new Fuqua Impact Scholars Program, which will award merit scholarships to incoming Fuqua School students. 

Michigan’s Ross School added an additional short essay to its application, and will offer students the option of submitting a standardized test waiver in lieu of a test score. And the Tuck School at Dartmouth will now offer virtual interviews to all students who apply in Rounds 1 and 2!


After the announcement two weeks ago about USC and UCLA’s move to the Big Ten conference, there is a lot of speculation about the creation of “Super Conferences,” in which the Big Ten, SEC, and possibly Big 12 conferences jump out ahead of other teams, creating a new tier of college football that will leave behind the ACC and the Pac-12 with teams that didn’t make the cut for these new super conferences. 


We like this short list as an easy guide for rising seniors as they work on their college applications this summer. Many juniors who start with us in the fall have already done most of these things by now, but if you’re just getting started, it’s not too late to get a jump on the college process before school is back in session (P.S. our Late-Start Waitlist opened last week for rising seniors who want some help tackling this list - you can join here). 

Larry Arnn - president of Hillsdale College - created controversy this past weekend when he remarked at a conference that teachers are “trained in the dumbest parts of the dumbest colleges in the country,” calling the Education Department the “dumbest part” of any college. Ouch. Hillsdale has helped to open a network of charter schools around the country, and argues that students will receive a better education from teachers at these schools than those at public institutions. 

If you are going on college tours this summer, you may be surprised to learn that campus tours “keep college presidents up at night.” But the college tour, often led by a current student, is one part of the admissions process over which the college administration has the least control. Often, students’ experiences on a tour are shaped by their particular tour guide, who is hanging around campus that day, even the weather! If you are a student touring colleges this summer, this article is a really good reminder that the tour shouldn’t be the be-all, end-all of your college search - because so much depends on luck, this isn’t necessarily the most representative piece of your college research!

I really enjoyed this piece from the Washington Post about self-deprecation in the college essay! I definitely agree with the author - do NOT overdo it. But if you can do this in a way that still shares positive characteristics and/or personal growth with the reader, go for it!


Many of our students are moving onto their school-specific essays, and we love reading more about them! Students who stick to our timeline will usually knock out about half of their supplemental essays before August 1, which makes the work in August a bit more manageable and sets them up to finish their applications by September. If you are looking to get a head start on your essays as well, don’t forget to check out our essay prompt database, which we update weekly with new prompts for the class of 2023 as they are released. 

Speaking of essays - we just had two cancellations come through for appointments with Staci if anyone wants to snap them up! One is for Monday, July 25 at 4:00pm and one is for Tuesday, July 19 at 11:00am., and you can go ahead and book here.

Have a great weekend!

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Trend Watch: The Newest College Essentials

With post- Fourth of July sales going strong and back-to-school displays popping up in stores, we’re in the mood to shop. Hopefully recent high school grads are too! But before you start buying everything you need for life on a college campus, take a look at the latest trends in dorm essentials, decor, and more. 

A Smarter Backpack

Goodbye lockers! Without a convenient storage space just steps away from the classroom, college students will need to invest in a great backpack. Classic brands like North Face and Jansport are still popular on campuses, but there are sleeker, more modern designs emerging–complete with the latest technology. This year we’ll be seeing a lot of Smart Backpacks that allow you to charge their devices on-the-go and provide plenty of security with tech-savvy locks and security pockets. And thanks to improvements in materials, there are now hundreds of water-resistent and waterproof options. Companies are also getting creative with their designs, so you can easily convert their everyday bag into a hiking pack or carry-on luggage. This is great news for new college students who might not have the space in their dorm room to store suitcases. 

We like designs like the APBags Travel Daypack. Not only are there designated spaces for just about anything you might need to carry, but there’s also a cool hidden safety pocket. The bag features a compression lock and ID system. Register your bag online, so you can easily track if it lost or stolen. And the best part? The backpack easily transforms into a crossbody or messenger bag! 

The Smart Nayo Backpack is a great option for those who might want to take their bags to the great outdoors. It’s waterproof and includes a compass! If you’re looking for something a bit more colorful, check out the Himawari Travel School Backpack. There are over twenty hues to choose from.

Self-Cleaning Water Bottle

Backpacks aren’t the only accessory getting a technological makeover. Water bottles are too! Companies like Larq have designed bottles that clean your water AND the the actual bottle you’ve been carrying around campus for days…or even weeks. We’ll spare you the scientific details for now. All you really need to know is that with the touch of a button, you’ll have purified water and a bacteria-free bottle. This is perfect for dorm-dwellers who might not think to give their accessory a good scrub–or have easy access to a kitchen sink. Our pick is the uber popular granite insulated PureVis bottle.


You might have the roommate, but have you gotten a shelfmate yet? For the past few years, Bed Shelfie has been a popular option for undergrads in need of a nightstand-alternative. With a few clicks of a clamping system, you can lock the small tray into the side of your bed and voila! You suddenly have a convenient space for your laptop or late- night snacks. 

But if the trendy Bed Shelfie isn’t your style, check out Easy Eco Life. Their line of self-adhesive wall shelves has received thousands of positive Amazon reviews in recent months! We like that there are so many different sizes and configurations to choose from, and the shelves take less than a minute to mount. They might not offer the surface space of a Bed Shelfie, but they can help you keep your most important go-to items safe and organized.

Sustainable Bedding

You may have already ditched plastic straws and grocery bags, but there’s another trendy way to make an environmental impact. Change your sheets! A lot of undergrads are opting for organic cotton and bamboo materials that not only reduce landfill waste but also make for a cozier night’s sleep. 

In recent years, sustainable bedding has been limited in color and size offering, but the The Company Store sells extra-long organic cotton twin sheets for dorm rooms, along with matching duvet covers. And there are quite a few trendy colors to choose from! For those who don’t mind splurging on bedding, check out Buffy. Their sustainable products are so great that they’ve just won a major Architectural Digest award. But beware! Buffy’s recent surge in popularity means that a lot of products are sold out.

Shower Shoes

Okay, so shower shoes are typically ugly and down-right gross, but they are a must! Luckily, there’s a few new options designed to make walks to the communal bathroom less icky. Funkymonkey promises to be anti-slip, and according to reviews, they really are! These self-draining slip-ons are also all the Amazon ‘rage’ thanks to their comfortable material and quick-dry design.

A ‘Stand Up’ Work Space

If you’re going to spend hours on your laptop researching and writing, you might as well be comfortable. A laptop stand can help you convert just about any space in your dorm room or the library into a work area. 

There are thousands of ergonomic options available, but a ‘stand out’ for us is Revo’s multi-purpose stand. Its adjustable features give undergrads the option to perfect their posture while sitting; transform any surface into a standing desk; or efficiently lounge while pulling an all-nighter.

Dorm Room Decor

Throw pillows and pictures aren’t technically essential, but if you’re looking to make your dorm feel feel more like home and less like a small-cinderblock room, then you’ll want some decor. We know some students hang a few simple posters while others go ‘all out’ with over-the-top interior design. Whatever your style, consider incorporating some of the biggest trends of 2022:

  • Custom wall collage kits: Even though photo collages have always been a dorm room staple, this year we’re seeing some cool custom kits that take the concept a creative step further. These sets let you use your personal photos or choose from themed images to make a truly original wall statement. 

  • Plants and vines: Swap out the strand of twinkle lights for a more natural look. One of the biggest dorm room trends emerging right now is real and faux plant accessories. Hanging macrame planters, ivy garland, and wall planters can add a pop of color and life to any dorm room. 

  • Neon signs: A classic look is back in style. Just about every website, from Amazon to Dormify to Target, has a collection of neon designs to brighten your dorm room. But before you order, check out your college’s residential life rulebook. Many schols have a ban on neon signs for safety reasons. 

    Happy shopping!

Weekly Update: July 1

Lots of college news to share before the holiday weekend!



The three-week academic summer programs run by Johns Hopkins’ Center for Talented Youth were canceled at the last possible minute last week - while some students were already enroute to the campus. Hopkins made the announcement on Friday at 3:30 pm, with the programs scheduled to start on Monday morning. 

Hopkins said that lack of staffing was the reason for the cancellation, which affected 870 students prepared to attend the prestigious summer program. Today, the director of the program’s employment was terminated. Hopkins’ CTY has hosted celebrities like Mark Zuckerberg and Lady Gaga, and is open to students from grade 2 to grade 12. 


For years it has been a rude awakening for students who love USC to realize that the school does not accept Early Decision or Early Action applications - and will review every student, even the most interested in the school, as part of the Regular Decision pool. While we’re still holding out for an ED option, we’re excited that USC will now offer an Early Action option to students applying to programs that do not require portfolio submissions. 

It seems like USC will follow Georgetown’s lead in deferring ALL EA students to the Regular Decision pool if they are not accepted, without sending any rejections during the EA round. EA students will receive either an admit or defer decision in mid- to late January. 


Speaking of USC, in 2024, USC and UCLA will move from the Pac-12 conference to the Big Ten. The schools received notice that their applications to join the Big Ten were accepted on Tuesday night. The Big Ten says that the conference unanimously voted to allow the Los Angeles schools to join. The Pac-12 says that they are disappointed with the loss of these two schools, the biggest brand names in the conference.


Last summer, Tucker Shields, a UGA student, was completing an internship at a DC law firm. While waiting for an Uber near Nationals Park, Shields saw a young couple being harassed by an armed assailant. Shields tackled the man, dodging a gunshot that left him deaf in one ear for a month. Now, the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission has honored him with the Carnegie Medal for his actions. 


Dedicated blog readers may remember several months ago when a professor at Columbia cast doubt on the data that the school provides to U.S. News & World Report - data which has led to Columbia capturing the number two spot in the prestigious rankings. Today is the deadline for schools to submit data this year, and Columbia has announced that it needs more time to review the allegations about its data and will not be submitting.

In addition to Columbia, the School of Education at USC will also be absent from the rankings, having pulled its data due to years of inaccuracies. 


Curious about the new digital SAT, which will be available to US students in spring 2024? We recommend this blog post, which covers all of the recently announced specifications and sample questions provided by College Board. 

The outgoing superintendent of FCPS, Scott Braband, was interviewed about all of the major moments during his tenure - including the COVID-19 pandemic, hiring challenges, the changes in admissions at TJ, and diversity initiatives. Braband’s last day was yesterday, and Michelle Reid has taken over as the superintendent of the largest public school system in the state. This interview is an interesting retrospective of the upheaval over the last few years.


I (Colleen) was interviewed by U.S. News this week about the biggest mistakes that a new college student can make - check it out here to find out why you shouldn’t join too many clubs, why you should get a random roommate, and the real reason not to skip class! 

We will be closed on Monday for the July 4 holiday - enjoy the long weekend!

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An American History Lesson: College Admissions Style

The Fourth of July is near, and to honor our country’s independence day, we’re taking a step back into American history– college admissions style. Let’s take a look at some of the colleges and universities that play an important role in our nation’s past.

The College of William & Mary

It’s no surprise that The College of William & Mary is steeped in American history. After all, it’s the second-oldest higher education institution in the United States, having received its official charter in 1693. During the revolutionary war, W&M- located in the colonial capital of Virginia- found itself at the center of key battles. The college was even forced to cancel classes when the British invaded Williamsburg. Students were so impassioned by the fight for freedom, they formed a militia. Now there’s an extracurricular club we haven’t heard of before!  

Despite the chaos of the revolutionary era, enrollment did not drop. Future presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and John Tyler attended W&M, and George Washington earned his Surveyor’s License here.

Harvard University

Harvard isn’t just one of the most prestigious universities in America- it also happens to be the oldest (founded in 1636). Like William & Mary, it has a unique place in the birth of America. When the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at the nearby towns of Lexington and Concord, Harvard’s campus was converted into temporary housing for soldiers. According to The Harvard Gazette, students rented rooms in Concord and classes were held in local buildings, like the courthouse. In 1776, undergrads returned to the Cambridge campus, and the university awarded the town of Concord a small sum for its collegiate inconvenience. 

Since then, Harvard has continued to make history, educating more future presidents than any other college or university in the country: Barack Obama, Rutherford Hayes, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, John Quincy Adams, and John Adams are all alumni!

The University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Franklin may be famous for inventing bifocals, but his creations didn’t stop there. A champion for education, this founding father wrote Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania–a catalyst for what would become the University of Pennsylvania. Franklin served as president at Penn for a time, and even 232 years after his death, he still watches over students. In fact, you can visit him yourself next time you’re on campus. Look for the big statue in front of College Hall.

The University of Virginia

They say it “takes a village” to raise a child. Thomas Jefferson felt the same way about college undergrads. He conceived of higher education as a village- a place where students and faculty could live, learn, and contribute to a common good. This idea may not sound radical by our twenty-first century standards, but at the time, Jefferson’s vision broke the academic mold.

Of course, such a community couldn’t be achieved with just curriculum or classrooms. The physical campus needed to reflect the ideals of the school, which led Jefferson to take the lead planning and designing the campus.  He wasn’t a formally trained architect, but that didn’t stop Jefferson. Years of passionate self-study gave him the confidence and inspiration he needed. We think Jefferson’s initiative would make the perfect blueprint for a college admissions essay!

George Washington University

Don’t let the name fool you! George Washington University wasn’t actually founded by George Washington. He just came up with the idea–sort of! Washington envisioned a national university set right in the heart of America’s capital. Unfortunately, he didn’t live to see the university become a reality, but Washington never gave up on the dream. He set aside stocks and land grants for the creation of educational institutions in his will. Twenty-two years after Washington’s death, President James Monroe signed the Act of Congress which led to the establishment of the university.

Hampton University

Betsy Ross, the Great Depression, 9/11–there are so many famous figures and events in American history. But what about the untold stories? The University Archives at Hampton University revives lost voices through its extensive materials. In fact, it hails one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of African American and Native American history. According to the school’s website, there are currently over eight million artifacts for researchers to study.

Shepherd University

Some schools archive American history, but Shepherd University makes it come to life with its Civil War Semester. Students can take advantage of Shepherd’s proximity to “Civil War Country” by immersing themselves in four-months of dynamic hands-on studies. Opportunities include visiting famous historical sites, collaborating with museums, and publishing archival information. But that’s not all! Make sure you pack your hoop skirt or waistcoat because there’s also a chance to partake in a local civil war performance.

Saint Anselm College

How does a small liberal arts college become one of the biggest hubs for American history and politics? Location, location, location! Saint Anselm College is conveniently situated in New Hampshire- a state known for “making or breaking” presidential hopefuls. For decades, the college has hosted presidential debates and an impressive list of influential political figures. 

However, politicians and pundits are the only ones flocking to campus. Many undergrads are drawn to Saint Anselm’s politics department for its unique opportunities. Through a partnership with the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, students can find themselves conducting voter polls and moderating political Q&As with national figures.

UC Berkeley

Eager to become an expert in American history? Well, then you might want to head west. UC Berkeley is home to one of the best American history graduate programs in America. According to their department website, faculty research covers “almost the entirety of recorded history,” and students can choose from fifteen fields of historical study. Just don’t go booking your ticket yet: historically speaking, admissions to this program has been highly selective!

Happy Fourth!

Weekly Update: June 24



With the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade overturned as we write this post, we wanted to provide a state by state breakdown of where abortion laws currently stand. We know that this is an important consideration for some parents and students when it comes time to think about possible college locations. If this matters to you and your student, make sure to do a search before finalizing their college list.


Dartmouth College is the latest institution to eliminate loans from student aid packages. Beginning yesterday, the college has replaced loans in student aid packages with grants, and already students enrolled in the Summer 2022 term are benefiting from this change (P.S. This is many more students than you might think - Dartmouth’s D-Plan requires EVERY student to complete at least one summer term on campus). 

Dartmouth already had loan-free packages for students with a household income below $125,000, but the change will now apply to all students, including those with higher household incomes. This change is supported by donations from 65 Dartmouth donors, totalling about $80 million. 

The campaign will also allow Dartmouth to offer need-blind admissions to international students, and raise the income threshold for full scholarship recipients to $125,000. 


Speaking of student loans, the government will cancel $6 billion in loans for students who were “defrauded” by (mostly for-profit) colleges. The settlement will benefit about 200,000 students, many of whom applied for relief from colleges that are now out of business, as well as operating for-profit institutions like the University of Phoenix and DeVry University. 


The University of Maryland system has gone test optional. But before you get too excited, the Board of Regents is not requiring specific schools within the system to disregard SAT and ACT scores. Instead, each school (College Park, Baltimore County, etc.) will get to make their own decision when it comes to considering test scores. At present, the University of Maryland - College Park will be test optional until 2027, while the University of Maryland - Baltimore County president said that he believes standardized testing is an important process for students to complete. 


Georgetown announced this week that a community member assumed to have monkeypox is currently isolating in off-campus housing. Students and staff who have been in contact with the individual have been notified and are being monitored. This comes on the heels of the first reported case of monkeypox in the DC area, which appeared last week in Maryland.


Looking for a side hustle to earn some extra income this summer? It’s not too late to find a job or freelance position! Check out this article for some ideas to get started. Some students feel that if they don’t have an impressive internship, they’re disadvantaged in the college process, but colleges really love work experience and we’ve read some wonderful and heartwarming essays that students have written about cleaning the pool as a lifeguard or chopping lemons as a restaurant hostess. 

A student at Bowling Green State University died from alcohol poisoning after a hazing incident, and his parents are now speaking out. Shari and Cory Foltz are filing a lawsuit against Bowling Green for the preventable death of their son, Stone Foltz. The parents allege that the school encourages students like Stone to join fraternities, while turning a blind eye to hazing. 

Here in Virginia, we’ve heard a lot about admissions at TJ, and we aren’t the only state with a highly desirable public school facing changes in its admissions process. This podcast dives into the trend at schools like TJ and Boston Latin, and provides an in-depth exploration of the admissions changes at Lowell, an elite public high school in the Bay Area.


Essay work is ramping up as some of our students start on their school-specific supplemental essays for UVA, Virginia Tech, the UCs, and other schools that have already released their essay prompts. We’re very excited to welcome back McClain and to welcome our newest essay coach, Stephanie, who will be starting with us in July (keep an eye out for a longer introduction soon!). Our schedules are now posted throughout the summer, and we encourage our current clients to book meetings ASAP to ensure they get their preferred times to complete their essay work this summer. 

Have a great weekend!

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Things To Do While Visiting College Campuses This Summer

As we discussed a few weeks ago, June, July, and August can actually be good times for families to visit colleges, even if campuses are quieter than usual. We shared some of the advantages of touring during the summer months, but we forgot to mention one additional perk: summer events! Small college towns and major cities across the country host unique experiences that can help you get to know the history, culture, and spirit of the place. So as you plan your college visits and schedule tours, consider adding in some of these cool stops.

Attend America’s biggest birthday party (Boston, MA)

Interested in seeing Northeastern, BU, or Harvard for yourself? Then we suggest planning your trip in early July. Boston is home to Harborfest, the biggest Independence Day festival in the country. There are plenty of events offered from July 1-4, including historical reenactments, musical performances, and tours. And the best part? There is a forty-five minute fireworks show over Inner Harbor on the 4th of July!

See the Civil War come to life (Gettysburg, PA)

Pennsylvania may be known for its spirited Penn State fans, Amish communities, and famous cheesesteaks, but it also has a rich military history. Every July thousands gather in the small college town of Gettysburg to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. There’s exciting reenactments, artillery demonstrations, and preserved fragments from the civil war on display. This is the perfect stop for history buffs!

Get a taste of the windy city (Chicago, IL)

Don’t fill up on deep dish pizza while touring University of Chicago or Northwestern University! Save your appetite for one of the country’s largest food trucks festivals, which takes place at the end of June in the South Loop. And if you’re still feeling hungry, check out Taste of Chicago. The extravaganza has been running for over forty summers, offering visitors food, music, and even dance lessons. There are multiple locations and weekend dates for Taste of Chicago, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to eat well in the windy city.

Lace up your skates in the big apple (New York, NY)

NYU and Columbia are looking for talented students, so why not add one more skill to your resume? For the first time since 1940, Rockefeller Center has turned its iconic ice skating rink into the 1970s inspired Flipper's Roller Boogie Palace for the spring and summer. After you finish your urban campus tours, stop and roll your way into a piece of big apple history.

Head to Hogwarts (Philadelphia, PA)

UPenn, Villanova, Drexel, Bryn Mawr- these are just a few of the universities located in and around Philadelphia. But did you know that the city had added another school this year to its impressive list of colleges? The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is now open at the Franklin Institute. Okay, so you might not be able to earn college credits here, but Harry Potter: The Exhibition is worthy of a tour. Not only will you experience state-of-the art installations, but you’ll also come eye-to-eye with well-known costumes and props from the films.

Go on an outdoor adventure (Colorado)

Environmental advocates and science lovers often flock to the University of Colorado for its strong environmental education programs and geosciences research. Regardless of your intended major, though, this school offers the perfect setting for adventure seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. Take advantage of the location (and the weather!) this summer by adding a hiking tour to your campus visit. There are several companies in Denver to choose from, such as Explorer Tours. 

And if you’re visiting the Colorado Springs campus, be sure to stop at Garden of the Gods. In addition to traditional hikes, this national natural landmark offers jeep and bike tours, along with rock climbing adventures.

Dance to the Jailhouse Rock (Memphis, TN)

If you’re planning to head south to check out schools like Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, or Clemson, consider adding a detour to Memphis (and look at Rhodes while you’re there!). Elvis Week kicks off on August 9 to commemorate the 45th anniversary of this legend’s death, AND the new movie release of Elvis. There’s a star-studded line-up of performers that are sure to capture an important piece of American history and music.

Get into the spirit of the midwest (Ann Arbor, MI)

The University of Michigan students have a lot of pride and spirit, and so does the city of Ann Arbor! Families can get a glimpse of Ann Arbor’s vibrant culture at its month-long summer festival. There’s food, cultural events, outdoor movies, live performances, and so much more! But - sorry football fans - you’ll have to wait until fall if you want to experience a game.

Become one with art (Washington, DC)

We’re sure your itinerary is full if you’re visiting colleges in Washington D.C. this summer. With nineteen colleges and universities, over seventy museums, and countless historical attractions, there’s almost too much to see in our nation’s capital. But don’t let all of your options keep you from taking time to slow down and immerse yourself in fine art. The Van Gogh Immersive Experience lets you step into a painting and experience Van Gogh’s imaginative art. The exhibition is so popular, its run has been extended in DC through July. Be sure to get your tickets before this rare opportunity fades.

Weekly Update: June 17

Happy Father’s Day this weekend to all the dads being celebrated! And I apologize that we are posting on Saturday instead of Friday - I was basically going nonstop all day every day last week with rising senior meetings!



GW has committed to doing away with the “Colonials” moniker by the 2023-2024 school year, in response to criticism that the name glorifies colonialism. The announcement is the result of two years of committee deliberations on the name, as well as the name of the Student Center on campus (which was renamed last year). The change won’t impact only the sports teams, but also services on campus like the “Colonial Health Center” and “Colonial Cash” dining dollars. 44% of students voted against the name, versus 43% who voted in favor.


The final parent charged in connection with the Operation Varsity Blues scandal was acquitted yesterday of charges that he bribed the Georgetown tennis coach with $200,000 cash to treat his daughter as a recruit. This is a surprise in the string of Varsity Blues trials that have led to guilty verdicts earlier this year.


As college tuition bills start to come due, many families are finding smaller balances in their 529 accounts after the stock market decline. This article provides some strategies that you can use if you are looking at a 529 balance that is no longer sufficient to fund your student’s education.


Though many colleges hoped that pandemic enrollment drops were temporary, it appears that the pandemic has changed how students think about their college education. Fewer high school students are choosing to pursue higher education immediately following school. In some states, including Indiana and West Virginia, less than half of 2020 graduates chose to pursue full time education after high school. We will have to keep an eye on how these trends affect future numbers in the workforce. 


As promised on social media, I wanted to take some time to discuss the brand-new UVA essay prompts that were released earlier this week. I’m focusing on the ones that Arts and Sciences students will have to write, becuse that’s where most of our students apply.

First, I have to mention that these new essays serve as a great example of why students should never begin writing until a school has confirmed their essay prompts for the upcoming cycle. You never know when a prompt will change for the coming year, and you don’t want to waste your time and effort drafting an essay for an outdated prompt. UVA has used more or less the exact same Arts and Sciences mandatory prompt since the beginning of my career and probably even earlier, so this was definitely not an essay that anyone expected would change - but it did, out of nowhere!

Next, remember that every essay you submit should be used as a tool to share something new about you that the admissions committee doesn’t already know. So when you’re writing about a college course that all UVA students should take, don’t just write about something you think is cool. Make sure it’s relevant - that you are clearly linking it to your background, life experiences, or personality. This way, the admissions committee can learn something new about you that would reflect positively on your candidacy.

Here’s an example - let’s say I’d like to learn more about how to make TikTok videos. If I wrote about how I want to make TikToks because I think TikToks are cool and I really like watching them in bed on my phone before I fall asleep, the admissions committee would learn nothing about me. But if I wrote about how watching TikToks on my phone before I fall asleep every night led me to realize that I could incorporate them into my business’s social media strategy, the admissions committee would start to learn more about what I do and who I am. I could then go into my history of success with content marketing and why I believe that other budding entrepreneurs at UVA could benefit from instruction in this area too.

Regarding the “choice” prompts, I would recommend avoiding the “topic you could speak about for an hour” and “expert-level skill” options, because I think that those are too similar to the Arts and Sciences essay. On the other hand, I think the “favorite word and why,” “website the internet is missing,” “happy place” and “message on Beta Bridge” prompts are probably going to lend themselves more easily to sharing new information to the committee. Those would allow students who know they want to write about something specific to come in and tie that information directly to a message, word, happy place or nonexistent website!


In his latest newsletter, Jeff Selingo dives into the importance of the student experience when it comes to choosing a college. A survey of over 100 institutions indicates that the student experience is one of the main fears in the college world today. Selingo shares a story that is common to many college students - a student looking to get his questions answered and moving from the registrar’s office, to the financial aid office, to the career center, to his academic advisor, and finally to an academic dean, repeating his story each time. Selingo argues that colleges need to improve their service infrastructure and enable students to get their questions answered - through technologies like chatbots and smart speakers - so that services catch up with the physical infrastructure that so many colleges have been investing in for the past several years. 

The third and final installment of Forbes’ series on college admissions encourages students and counselors to become “data scientists,” delving into schools’ admissions data in order to maximize their success and better understand the process. We AGREE! While some of the statistics mentioned in the article aren’t readily available, students and families interested in pursuing some of this data can Google “[School Name] Common Data Set” to find the latest statistics that the college has released on its admissions and class makeup. This is a wise move for anyone looking to assess their chances of admission at a particular school. 

I particularly recommend using Common Data Sets to calculate the difference between ED and RD acceptance rates, for schools that have both. Here’s how we explain this in our early decision guide, available to clients through our vault:

It takes some math, but you can quickly determine the acceptance rate of ED applicants by dividing the number accepted by the number who applied. When determining non-ED numbers, you’ll need to subtract the ED folks (applied and admitted) from the total numbers and then again divide the number accepted by the number who applied. Now you can compare these rates and determine the importance of ED to a school. 

Here’s an example from the 2019-2020 Common Data Set for the University of Pennsylvania. Most Common Data set numbers are split by gender which requires an additional step in calculations. After adding the male and female numbers together, we learn the following on page 8:

Total Number Applied: 44,961 // Total Number Admitted: 3446 // Total Number Enrolled: 2400

Then we scroll down to page 13, where we learn the following about the ED numbers:

Total Number Applied ED: 7109 // Total Number Admitted ED: 1280

We can then use this information to calculate the following statistics:

Total Acceptance Rate = 3446/44961 = 7.66% // Percentage of Class Filled ED = 1280/2400 = 53%

ED Acceptance Rate = 1280/7109 = 18% // RD Acceptance Rate = (3446-1280) / (44961-7109) = 5.72%

You can also see that students applying ED have a very clear advantage over those applying RD - it’s practically a lost cause at a 5.72% acceptance rate - and this was using number from several years ago!

Finally, this interview with the current president of USC (and former president of Dartmouth and UNC), Carol L. Folt, explores the experience and importance of students who move from community college to a four-year university. The subject is personal for Folt, who got her bachelor’s degree at UC Santa Barbara after beginning her education at a community college, and her perspective is an interesting way to look at both sides of this issue.


I (Colleen) am writing this post on a plane to Greece! I’ll be out of the office for the next two weeks, and Shannon will be holding down the fort. Families with college counseling questions should email her while I’m away, and of course Courtney and Donna are there as always to help out with administrative and scheduling needs!

We hope our students are also getting some time to relax, too! But if anyone out there is still looking for summer opportunities, don’t miss our mid-week post on last-minute Summer 2022 options for high school students.

We’ve also got a couple of opportunities to share this week for current college students! If you are a student interested in sharing your college experience with others, College Scoops is seeking student ambassadors willing to film a video about their college for high school students to use as they try to get a feel for the campus culture (particularly difficult when travel is limited). If you’d like to create a video for your school, reach out to moira@collegescoops.com for more information. 

And if you are a current college student looking to pursue a mental health career, the Chesapeake Center for ADHD, Learning, and Behavioral Health is looking for you! Interns for their Fall 2022 internship will have the opportunity to co-facilitate group programs and sit in on various other meetings, receiving valuable hands-on experience working with clients as well as marketing & programming. Interested students should send their resume to communications@chesapeakeadd.com

Enjoy the weekend!

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Last Minute Summer 2022 Opportunities in Washington DC for High School Students

It’s the first full week of summer for most high school students, and we know some teenagers are asking themselves: what am I going to do this summer? If you’re still trying to make plans, we’re here to help! We’ve curated a list of last-minute jobs and internship postings in the DC region; universities still accepting students for pre-college programs; and exciting overseas travel opportunities.

Jobs and Internships

Get your feet wet in the maritime industry (Manassas, VA)

Are you interested in naval engineering or architecture? If so, this might be the internship for you! Hepburn and Sons is a small, veteran-owned business that provides consulting services for ships. They are currently looking for a high school intern to work on-site during the summer months. In addition to office tasks, you’ll get the chance to review documents, conduct research and put together presentations. Click here to view eligibility requirements and apply.

Become a Kid Kare attendant at George Mason University (Prince William, VA)

Spend your summer playing sports and leading arts and crafts! George Mason University Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Center on the Science and Technology campus is hiring part-time Kid Care attendants for the summer. Flexible scheduling is possible, but applicants should be available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. This is a great opportunity for students considering a career in education.

Teach kids to swim at Goldfish Swim School (Reston, VA)

If you’re a strong swimmer who’s always wanted to coach, why not become a swim instructor for the summer? At Goldfish Swim School, you’ll help elementary and middle school students gain their confidence in the water while having fun. Plus you’ll have the chance to earn your lifeguard certification. 
Note: there are multiple Goldfish Swim School locations throughout northern Virginia. Click here to see job openings in Alexandria and Falls Church.

Care for pets at a local animal hospital (Fairfax Station, VA)

This is an exciting part-time job for animal lovers and those who are thinking about a future in veterinary science. Crosspointe Animal Hospital is looking for a kennel assistant (age 16+) who can walk dogs, monitor patients, assistant with cleaning duties, and more. There are flexible morning and evening shifts available, but you must be able to work weekends and holidays, too! A job description and application link is available here.

Join a political campaign (Bethesda, MD/ remote)

Have you ever dreamt of a future in politics? Are you interested in learning more about the election process? If so, apply to become a political campaign intern this summer! Hans Riemer for County Executive (Montgomery County, MD) is looking for dedicated teens to join the campaign trail- virtually and in-person. Interns will work in one of five departments: Social Media & Communications, Organizing, Research & Policy, Finance & Political, or Direct Voter Contact and will learn fundamental skills from experts in the field.   No experience is necessary, but you must be willing to work at least ten hours per week.

Note: this position was just posted yesterday and is only accepting applications until Friday June 17. Apply now!

Are you interested in taking academic enrichment classes this summer?

Many colleges and universities across the United States offer summer pre-college courses for high school students. Although many deadlines have passed, there are still some great programs accepting applications for virtual and in-person classes.

American University High School Summer Scholars

George Washington University

Kode with Klossy @ Barnard College

Marist College

Wake Forest Summer Immersion Program

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Have you caught the travel bug?

We’re all eager to travel again, so if you’re thinking about planning a last minute trip this summer, why not turn it into a cool academic experience? There are plenty of overseas options for teens, whether you’re interested in language immersion, cultural enrichment, the arts, sports training, etc. 

Smithsonian Student Travel - Various summer trips are offered for high school students in Alaska, Central and South America, and Europe.

 The TASIS Summer Programs- Residential programs are available in England, Switzerland, and Switzerland for students of ALL ages.

Summer at Oxford  (England)-  This program is geared toward high school students preparing for university who want to spend the summer studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. 

Summer in Switzerland- Residential programs are available in the Swiss Alps for students of all ages. There is a variety of academic, sports, and artistic offerings. 

Putney Student Travel- These worldwide programs allow students to focus on a particular career path, language immersion, or service-oriented opportunity. 

We can help!

If you need assistance with last minute summer applications, resumes, or cover letters, book an appointment with an essay coaching professional at DC College Counseling.

Weekly Update: June 10

We were shocked and saddened by the tragedy at Oakton High School this week, and our thoughts and support are with our Oakton families.



A number of schools have begun to release supplemental essays for the 2022-2023 application cycle, including Virginia Tech, Villanova, University of Miami, University of Georgia and more. UGA also announced that they will be releasing their actual Common Application supplement on 8/1 in order to align with other schools' application release dates. This is welcome news, as UGA applicants in previous years have had to wait until September to complete the supplement!


The QS world university rankings came out this week, with MIT topping the list. This list includes universities from all over the world (see #2 - the University of Cambridge), but five of the top 10 were U.S. schools, and four were in the UK. The only outlier? Switzerland’s ETH Zurich. 


Twenty hispanic-serving research institutions across the U.S. announced a new alliance at their launch event in D.C. yesterday, pledging to increase the number of Hispanic faculty and doctoral students at their institutions. The alliance includes UT El Paso, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. 


During tonight’s live broadcast, President Zelensky will address students at Cambridge, Oxford, LSE, UCL, Glasgow, and a number of other UK universities. Zelensky is expected to address the importance of international cooperation, as well as answer student questions. The event is being held by a newly formed group of Ukrainian students at UK universities (USU).


We’ve covered on the blog both the New York Times opinion piece “My College Students Are Not OK,” as well as the backlash from many readers about the burnout that college students are experiencing in the wake of the pandemic. Now, the column’s author, a first-year writing professor at SMU, has published a series of responses to questions about how this burnout fits into larger issues about the cost and value of attending college. If you’ve been following this story, the piece is definitely worth a read!

During pride month, we also wanted to share this article about the mental health challenges that face LGBTQ+ college students. Many, many students struggle with the transition to college, but it can be helpful for LGBTQ+ students and their parents to be aware of the particular challenges that may arise, and the resources on their campus that are available to help with this transition. 

In a follow-up to the article we shared last week with unexpected public colleges that lead to six-figure salaries, check out this list of ten jobs with the best future outlook for college graduates. Some of these jobs are certainly surprising - with elementary school teacher topping the list!


With the start of summer, things are really ramping up for our juniors! We know that they are going to put in a lot of hard work over the next several months, but it will be so worth it when they are done with our Finish by September Timeline and can spend senior year focused on their classes and other commitments, not applications. For our past clients, this is often one of their favorite things about working with us!

All those essay coaching meetings mean that we are excited to bring on new coaches, and McClain will start meeting with students next week! You can check out one of McClain’s guest blog posts here, and current clients can book a meeting with her here. Welcome back, McClain!

And last but not least, I was out of the office yesterday celebrating my son’s preschool graduation! A bunch of our current families were working with me while I was pregnant with him (with their older children, of course) so I get questions from time to time about how old “the baby” is now. Hard to believe he will be off to kindergarten and turning six in the fall!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

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The Advantages of Summer College Campus Tours

When it comes to summer college campus tours, it can be easy to focus on the drawbacks. Many families worry that they won’t get an accurate picture of a school when students are off campus, classes aren’t in session, and the college feels more like a ghost town. Even though you might not experience the ‘hustle and bustle’ of campus life in July and August, there are actually some great advantages to touring during the summer months.

More scheduling options

Fitting campus visits into a packed schedule during the school year can be challenging, sometimes even impossible. The summer months can provide a valuable window of time for families to organize trips, especially out-of-state visits. You also won’t be competing to book a tour during the most popular times of the year, and you’ll probably find yourself having a wider selection of dates from which to choose. BUT that doesn’t mean you can wait until the last second to schedule your tour. Be sure to visit the admissions website well in advance to register, because these do fill up quickly.

Pro Tip: If possible, coordinate a trip that allows you to visit a few schools. Doing so will make it easier to compare your experiences while maximizing your time.

Better preparation

As we discussed in a previous blog post, it’s important to prepare if you want to get the most of your campus visit. Take a virtual tour and spend time researching the school, so you won’t feel as overwhelmed by information when you actually arrive on campus. We also recommend writing down questions, either in your phone or a notebook, to ask during the tour. 

We know it can be difficult to properly prepare for visits during the school year, so take advantage of the time you have now. Without the demands of classes and homework, you’ll be able to dedicate more energy to gathering information.

Spend time in the local area

Maybe you’re looking for an urban school, but will you actually like navigating a big city? Is a small town going to end up feeling too small for you? The best way to answer questions like these is to spend time in the town or city surrounding a college campus. During the school year, families typically have just a day or two, perhaps even a few precious hours, to explore the area. But during the summer, you can transform what would be a quick stop into a mini-vacation. The extra time can help you gain deeper insights into the community and picture whether or not you see yourself calling this home for the next four years.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check the school’s admissions website to see if they offer special negotiated rates with nearby hotels. You can save a lot of money this way!

A personalized experience

A slower pace on college campuses during July and August can actually be an advantage for visitors. You might find yourself getting an individual or small-group tour, which gives you more opportunities to ask questions and get to know your guide. You may also get more face-to-face time with admissions officers, as well as faculty and students who are still on campus. Many will welcome the opportunity to share their experiences and maybe give an inside look into a cool summer program or research project taking place. 

Our final thoughts and recommendations

Although colleges may look and feel a bit different when school’s not in session, summer campus visits are still worthwhile. 

If you’re planning to visit colleges in July and August, try to visit as many on your list as possible. Doing so will help you to make more accurate judgments and comparisons, so you aren’t comparing a summer visit to one during the school year.

Still curious to learn more about the campus culture and student body? Remember that there are plenty of ways to collect more information about a school after your campus tour. Follow the college or university on social media, connect with current students, and sign up for webinars and/or live information sessions. The more you engage, the more you’ll learn!

Weekly Update: June 3



The Biden administration announced this week that it will forgive student loans for over half a million students from Corinthian Colleges, one of the nation's largest for-profit colleges. Corinthian Colleges has faced numerous lawsuits for its predatory practices. This is the largest student loan forgiveness action that the government has taken to date, and will cost close to 6 billion dollars.


Students who received unemployment benefits in 2020 may be facing issues getting the financial aid they need through the FAFSA. This is an ongoing issue that began after many families faced drastic changes in income during the pandemic. So make sure that your FAFSA is as accurate as possible, and don’t be afraid to reach out to schools if you think your aid should be reevaluated!


For the 50th anniversary of Title IX, USA Today investigated how colleges are doing in the march toward equity for women. The results aren’t inspiring - the expose uncovers how women are still underrepresented in college sports, and reveals the colleges that have padded the numbers and inflated women’s rosters rather than abiding by the spirit of the law.


The New Yorker explored how the pandemic has affected the SAT as we know it. In addition to the number of test optional schools making the SAT less important in the admissions process, the pandemic has also prompted the creation of the new digital test. The article explores the history of the SAT and how it has endured through multiple scandals and shifts, with the pandemic only the latest (and perhaps most drastic) change that College Board and its flagship test have had to face. 

This article about the top ten highest-earning degrees from public universities is worth checking out for a few reasons. Most of these schools are not considered “brand names,” and I doubt that many of the students in our area have even heard of some of them! This just goes to show that a “big name” doesn’t necessarily map onto a higher salary after school. And we were excited to see that UVA made the list - students with computer engineering majors make a median salary of just under $102,000 three years after graduation.


Our juniors are starting to finalize their lists, are finishing their Common App essays, and several have even moved onto early supplemental essay work! While we know that summer is busy for these students, we also know that they will be excited come senior year to have all of this essay writing behind them. 

I don’t think we have written about this much on the blog, but we’ve talked a lot internally about how different this essay season has been from any other year. This group was in the middle of their freshman year when the world turned upside down… and they just haven’t really done very much.

It’s not even about activities, as most of them have taken our advice and maintained extracurricular involvement as much as they could, even virtually. But we don’t advise parroting off a list of activities in the college essay. Whether activities are involved in the story or not, the essay really needs to be a venue to show personal growth and share insight about the student that can’t be found anywhere else in their application. It’s really tough to do that when you haven’t had a typical teenage experience.

But we are lucky because Staci is basically the most patient woman on the planet! She has been working so hard with these students to help them craft amazing essays regardless of what they have been able to come to the table with! Shannon and I have been helping out with lots of extra editing behind the scenes and of course Alan is a godsend! He does the last round of edits from a fresh perspective, having never seen the pieces before. It is amazing to me how much value his perspective adds to the final versions.

Anyway, over the last week we have finished a whole lot of these essays and it’s amazing to me how all the extra work has paid off. The final versions are AWESOME, which is not necessarily something I thought I was going to be able to say a couple of months ago. I actually think they have turned out even better than final versions usually do. For example, I don’t know that we have ever had a year with such little feedback about potential changes. Sometimes parents and students aren’t on the same page about certain aspects and we have to play mediator, but not this year. All constituents involved have just been very happy with few or zero suggestions, and I really hope that ends up to be a theme this season (knocking on wood right now)!

On an entirely different note - we want to congratulate our graduating seniors and wish them well on this next adventure! This is always a bittersweet time because we’re really excited about how we’re getting to know the juniors more, but it’s sad to be done with the seniors and their families. We become so close with these students and we really do miss them! We’re excited to see where they go next - and to see a few of them back for College Experience Coaching.

Have a great weekend!

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Post Graduation Tips for the Class of 2022

Exams are finished, lockers are cleaned out, and graduating seniors across the country are celebrating. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

Although it’s the second day of June, we can’t help but think ahead to the fall semester. After all, we’re firm believers that success starts EARLY. That’s why we’re sharing practical tips today to help our high school graduates set themselves up for a smooth, low-stress transition into college.

Connect and Communicate

By now, you’ve probably realized that you are going to be receiving a LOT of college communications. These emails and portal announcements provide essential information about housing, roommate selections, course registration, and more. Although you’ve already completed plenty of paperwork in the spring, we guarantee there are more important forms and tasks coming your way. Make sure you have access to your college email address and continue to check it regularly throughout the summer. An easy way to do that is by adding your new school account to your smartphone. Not sure how to do this? Here are quick tutorials for iPhone and Android users. 

Now is a great time to connect with your new college and classmates if you haven’t done so already. Consider attending a summer orientation event if your school offers one. And even if you can’t connect in person, there’s always your laptop. Most schools have social media groups for the Class of 2026, as well as a variety of other interest groups that you may be able to join now. PS: Tell your parents there are social media groups for them, too. They just need to search for the school name + parent/family page on Facebook.  

One caution, though. Don’t be that person who randomly friends or follows hundreds of strangers just because you have a college in common. This approach doesn’t necessarily make for strong connections or new friendships. In fact, it can come across as ‘creepy’ if you don’t actually try to communicate with the person you’ve suddenly added. A better strategy is to focus on getting engaged in the social media group discussions and actually starting conversations with other students. 

Evaluate your social media presence

You’re graduating and becoming an adult, and that means your social media accounts need to grow up too. For years, your Instagram may have just been a place to share funny photos and updates with friends, but in college, your social media accounts become a powerful networking tool. Therefore, it’s crucial to create a strong first impression with your profiles. (Pro Tip: If you haven’t read it yet, don’t miss last year’s guest blog post with the inside scoop about the social media from a professional in the recruiting industry).

Before you start following fellow undergrads or hashtagging your college, take a detailed look at your accounts. Ensure that your personal accounts are private and delete any inappropriate content, photos, and or/negative comments that appear on your page. Even if you didn’t write the post or take the picture, you’re still associated with it through your profile. A good rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t want it projected on a big screen for the world to see, get rid of it.

We also encourage graduating seniors to embrace a fresh start on social media. Think about creating new, professional social media accounts (especially on Instagram) that track your college journey. That way you can safely engage with your college online, share campus highlights, and maybe even attract new opportunities.

Finally, if you have some free time this summer, set up a LinkedIn profile. You can use this website to connect with people in your field of study, find jobs and internships, and build a professional portfolio. (If you need help developing your LinkedIn content, book a session with us. We’ll work with you to build your profile and teach you how to use the LinkedIn features to your advantage). 

Coordinate with your roommate

Stuff. It’s one of the most important conversations you can have with your new roommate before moving into your dorm. Beyond your personal items, there are things you’ll need for your room that might be more practical to share, like a mini-refrigerator, vacuum, or bluetooth speaker. Decide on what you’re willing to make communal and then determine who’s bringing what.

Strategically shop for dorm essentials

We’ve got a secret to share. You know those ‘dorm essentials’ on display at Target and advertised all over Amazon? Well, most of those items aren’t actually essential at all. The reality is that you’ll be moving into a small room that you’ll have to share with another person and all of their belongings. Don’t waste money or space on things that you don’t actually need.

Be realistic when it comes time to shop for your dorm room. If you’ve never ironed before, chances are you won’t start in college. Instead of investing in a space-consuming ironing board and iron, consider a travel steamer or a wrinkle-release spray. And as nice as the eight decorative bed pillows might look in the Pinterest picture, are you really going to arrange them every morning before your 8am class?  Probably not! 

It’s also a good idea to hold off on buying gadgets like coffee makers or printers. After a few weeks on campus, you’ll probably find that you can live comfortably without them. Remember, if you forget something or find yourself desperate for a particular item, you can always order it later.

And when it comes to the items you do know you need right off the bat? Don’t make the rookie move of hitting up Target or Bed, Bath and Beyond in your college town during orientation weekend (that shopping trip will make Costco on a Saturday look like a relaxing spa day). Either go to a local store to browse and place an order for pickup at the store near school, or order all of your items online.

Hit the books

No we’re not telling you to start studying for fall semester. We just want you to start finding your textbooks. Rather than waiting until late August to buy everything from the campus store or search for a deal online after everyone’s bought up the most popular titles, start pricing and purchasing earlier in the summer after you know your course schedule. Websites like Chegg, Campus Books, and ECampus offer used books, electronic texts, and semester-long rentals, and Abebooks is the place to go if you need a more obscure title. 

Before you order anything, though, check on the return policy. There might be scheduling changes that happen at the last minute, and you don’t want to be stuck with a book you don’t need. Also, confirm that you are ordering the correct edition. Otherwise, you could end up with an old, outdated copy.

Clean your room

Okay, we don’t want to sound like parental nags, but the college packing process can be a nightmare if you wait until the last minute. That’s why we suggest cleaning out a drawer or two every week throughout the summer. You can also start boxing up things you aren’t using right now, like your winter clothes, and throwing away all of those things you’ve been storing in your closet since middle school. This may not be the most exciting summer activity, but trust us. You’ll feel much better come August, and your parents will thank you.

Schedule appointments ASAP

Before you head off to college, make sure you take care of all of your essential appointments: a doctor’s visit, dental check up, and a fresh haircut. It’s especially important to book any doctors’ appointments early. Depending upon the school, you may be required to get certain vaccines, and some of them could take several weeks and multiple doses to complete.

Get legal paperwork in order

Most parents are shocked to realize that they do not automatically have the ability to make decisions or learn important information about their students when they are away at college. Yes, even if you’re paying the bill!

Because of this, parents should go ahead and work with their student for authorization to intervene in issues as major as medical emergencies or as minor as financial aid questions. We are not attorneys, and this is not legal advice, but here is a non-comprehensive list of documents we recommend having signed and notarized before your student leaves home:

  • FERPA Authorization to be able to see your student’s grades

  • HIPAA Authorization to be able to find out basic medical information about your student or speak to their doctors

  • Medical Power of Attorney to be able to make medical decisions for your student if needed

  • Durable Power of Attorney to be able to make financial decisions on your student’s behalf

There are free templates for all of these documents readily available online, and those are probably better than nothing - but don’t forget that laws are different from state to state. It’s probably worth working with an attorney or at least doing your own extensive research to make sure that you’re all set!

Weekly Update: May 26

We were shocked and saddened by the tragedy in Texas this week, and our thoughts are with the victims and their families. I have a fourth grader too, so it hit especially close to home for me. As we prepare for Memorial Day weekend, we are also thinking of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country - as well as the incredible sacrifices made by their families and friends left behind.



The College Board typically opens registration each June or July for the entire following school year (I.e. in June 2022 for August 2022-June 2023 test dates). This year, they changed things up and just released the ability for students to register early for the August 2022, October 2022, November 2022, and December 2022 test dates. All students planning to take one of these tests (or even considering it) should register as soon as possible! The August and October administrations are already filling up quickly.


The Common Application held a session yesterday to share upcoming changes in advance of the 2022-2023 application release. They confirmed that application rollover will take place on August 1, as in previous years. Students’ login information will remain the same, and all of the information in their profile, family, education, testing, activities, writing, and courses and grades sections will roll over.

(Remember: It’s great to take advantage of the rollover function - definitely get started early and fill all of this out in advance. But MAKE SURE to print/save PDFs of each individual page in case there is some type of rollover error. This does happen occasionally and it would be so awful if all of your hard work was lost!)

Some new changes: “Mx.” and “Other” are now prefix options, and the order of the gender, pronoun, and name questions have moved. There will also be some adjustments to the order and criteria of the questions relating to fee waivers.


In 2018, Princeton University suspended Professor Joshua Katz, pending an investigation into a relationship he had with one of his undergraduate students. On Monday, the school fired the tenured professor, citing a lack of cooperation with this investigation. This is a particularly unusual occurrence, as Katz was a tenured professor at the university. Katz argues that the firing came on the heels of an article he published that criticized the school’s anti-racist policies, and is not an issue of his relationship but instead a blow to free speech. 


The Lincoln Memorial was shut down on Saturday morning after hundreds of Georgetown University seniors left broken bottles and spilled wine and champagne covering the monument’s steps. The site was open to the public again by 11:00 am on Saturday. 


As COVID cases spike, colleges around the country have started to reinstate their mask mandates on campus, including the University of Delaware. Public school systems in Philadelphia, PA and Providence, RI have also reinstated their mask mandates in response to cases in the area. 


We shared an article a few weeks back with one professor’s opinion of how the pandemic has affected student’s learning ability and focus in the classroom once they arrive in college. Now, a disability rights advocate has published a response, citing mental health issues rather than online learning as the reason why so many students are struggling. Several other letters to the editor continue this dialogue, offering remote learning and mental health related responses to the perceived crisis in students’ engagement. 

Price hikes at a number of colleges have reinvigorated the conversation around whether college is really worth the cost. Enrollment continues to drop, even with the worst of the pandemic (hopefully!) behind us, and in a recent Boston Globe poll, only 10% of respondents felt that college was definitely worth the investment. Spring 2022 college enrollment has dropped nearly 5% from last year - in addition to the overall pandemic drop of almost 10%. This is a surprise to some colleges that expected enrollment to bounce back this cycle.


We’ve offered up our own lists of fiction and nonfiction reads for students to check out this summer, and we’d like to add these three career-focused books for college graduates! If you want even more info on summer reading, current members and clients can check out our Membership Vault summer reading guide.

Pro Tip: We also recommend reading a newspaper or two regularly this summer - this will definitely help you out in interviews when you are asked to talk about a recent news story or political issue that interests you, as well as on applications (like Princeton’s!) that may ask about which publications you read regularly. 

Still looking for more summer opportunities? Gettysburg College’s inaugural Civic Engagement Camp is still accepting applications until Friday, June 3. The program aims to teach students about American democracy and the importance of civic engagement, all against the background of Gettysburg’s history (and with a day trip to Washington, DC).

Have a great weekend!

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Our Fiction Summer Reading List

Last week we shared our favorite new nonfiction releases that are perfect additions to your summer reading list. Now we’re delving into the world of science fiction, fantasy, murder mysteries, and more as we curate our favorite fiction releases for summer 2022.

Sea of Tranquility- Emily St. John Mandel

What does an early 20th century teenage exile have in common with a professional writer from a moon colony in 2203? Emily St. John Mandel has the answer. Weaving together time travel with science fiction and a bit of post-apocalyptic flair, Mandel masterfully combines the stories of several characters over three centuries. This rather quick read will leave you constantly wondering how these lives have crossed into a twenty-fifth century investigation. Although Sea of Tranquility was just released in April, it’s already a popular title with thousands of rave reviews! See what you think for yourself!

All My Rage- Sabba Tahir

Sabaa Tahir’s latest young adult release follows the journey of two friends who both feel like outcasts growing up in California. As they face family pressures, cultural clashes, and life-altering secrets, both characters battle with the age old question: who am I? This novel isn’t exactly a light-hearted read, but it’s a modern coming-of-age story that captures all of the complexities of becoming an adult.

The Maid: A Novel -Nita Prose

If you’re looking for a little mystery in your life, then this is the book for you! In The Maid, we get to know Molly, a quirky twenty-five year old who works as a hotel cleaner. She loves her job…until the unimaginable happens. Suddenly Molly is the prime suspect in a murder case and must set out to clear her name. This novel is a fun read and will have you feeling like you’re playing the classic board game Clue.

The Kaiju Preservation Society- John Scalzi

What do you do when you hate your job? That’s the question that sets Jamie- the main character in The Kaiju Preservation Society- on the adventure of a lifetime. Eager to quit delivering food for a big food app, Jamie accepts a new position that is literally out of this world. The novel follows Jamie as he navigates an alternate universe void of any humans and the biggest responsibility of all: to protect Earth from the Kaiju monsters. We’ll admit that this book is absurd, but that’s what makes it an ideal summer read for science fiction lovers.

The Foundling- Ann Leary

Even though The Foundling won’t be released until the end of May, we couldn’t leave it off our summer reading list. Set in the 1920s, The Foundling tells the story of a young psychiatrist who accepts a job at a mental asylum for women. Although the asylum claims to help women, not everything is what it seems. As the young doctor starts to uncover the real truth behind mental illness treatments, our main character is faced with life-altering decisions. This novel is based on real life accounts from the author’s own grandmother and is already receiving favorable reviews. From what we’ve read so far, we think this is a worthy read for anyone with an interest in psychology and/or history.

How High We Go in the Dark- Sequoia Nagamatsu

In How High We Go in the Dark, Sequoia Nagamatsu blends short stories with the novel. Through a series of chapters (or episodes), we follow the lives of several characters as they rebuild after a global pandemic in the year 2030. Now we admit that this theme might feel a bit too real and heavy for many of us, but don’t worry. There are many fantastical elements that bring in the best of science fiction, dystopian worlds, and more. PS: Curiously, this book was drafted before the COVID-19 pandemic, which makes it all the more fascinating to see how Nagamatsu’s imagination measures up against the realities of the past two years.

Not ready to pick up a book?

Are you short on time? Or maybe not a big book lover? Well, there are plenty of ways to delve into a great story and keep up on the best literature. Here are some alternatives to your traditional summer reading.

Book of the Day Podcast

If you want to tune in to the latest reads, check out NPR’s Book of the Day Podcast. In fifteen minutes or less, the hosts will tell you all you need to know about a particular title. There’s a huge variety of texts and genres covered, which will leave you feeling well-read in barely any time.

Book Riot Podcast

The hosts of Book Riot track all of the latest trends, worthy recommendations, and coolest writers in the book world. Whether you’re looking to keep up with literary news or discover a new title or genre to read yourself, this is a great place to start.

Literary Hub

The title pretty much sums it up. Visit the Literary Hub website for book recommendations and reviews; literary news articles and cultural commentary, and more.

Follow us on Instagram

Take advantage of social media by following these book-loving accounts on IG:




  • @NYTBooks

Weekly Update: May 20



Yes, you read that right. College Board announced this week that it will be offering an AP Precalculus option in the 2023-2024 school year. The announcement comes in the wake of numerous articles (including some we shared on this blog) that cover the lack of math preparation for high school students during the pandemic. College Board asserts that the new course offering will better prepare students for college math, particularly STEM-related majors. 


I’ve shared on the blog before about my decision to pull my daughter out of her public school and it turns out I’m not alone! Since 2020, public school enrollment is down by over a million students. Many of these students moved to private or parochial schools, or were even homeschooled, while others dropped out of school due to job loss, homelessness, lack of Wi-Fi access, or other financial issues during the pandemic. The enrollment drop has particularly affected schools that had long periods of remote instruction. And since school budgets are tied to enrollment, public schools will likely be dealing with a drop in funding as well. This may be a contributor to some school districts’ reluctance to reinstate mask mandates or vaccination requirements for fear of losing even more students. 


Here in our office we were excited to join in on today’s Virginia-wide American Academy of Pediatrics “Wear Green Day of Action” for Mental Health acceptance! (Can you tell that none of us really have green in our wardrobes?! We tried…)


We love summer reading in our office, and not just because we’re book lovers! “What is a great book you’ve read recently?” or “What are you reading right now?” or “What is your favorite book?” are very common interview questions for students, and summer is a great time to learn something new AND prepare your answers at the same time. Not sure where to start? Check out our nonfiction summer reading recommendations from the blog this week, or take a look at this Atlantic article for reviews of books based on college campuses or other educational settings.  

When it comes to paying for college, looking at a private vs. a public school is often one of families’ first considerations. But despite the popular wisdom, there are cases where a scholarship to a private school makes it more affordable than a public option - and many cases where an out-of-state public school can be as expensive or even more expensive than a private one! This Forbes article provides a run-down of the tuition costs for the most expensive public colleges by state, and might be a good place to start if public college is on your student’s list (and yes, UVA is #1 on this list).


The hot weather lately definitely reminds us that summer is coming! We are still adding to our Summer Opportunities Database every week. Most recently, we featured an opportunity for juniors and seniors in high school to join Mount Vernon’s Student Advisory Board. This is an awesome leadership opportunity for students interested in art, history, museum curation, education, or just networking and gaining experience!

And one more thing on the summer to-do list for juniors - essays! We are so excited to welcome McClain back to the office this summer - she will be available starting in mid-June for students to work with on their essays. Our calendar has been updated and students can now book appointments for June and July with McClain or Staci. If you have a busy summer ahead, we recommend booking those meetings now to make sure that you get the time slots that work best for you! 

McClain has been busy since last summer - check out her adorable new baby Theo, born in January!

Have a great weekend, and stay cool!

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