
Weekly Update: May 1

It’s National Decision Day!

May 1 used to mark the end of the college admissions cycle in a given year, but not this year — everything is just completely up in the air because of all of the FAFSA issues.

And the most interesting part is the widespread nature of the impact: most of our clients don’t apply for need-based financial aid, so you’d think it wouldn’t matter for them, right? Wrong. The drawn-out timeline and increased reliance on waitlists is impacting everyone.

Not to mention the fact that colleges and universities across the country are experiencing absolute chaos right now in terms of student protests (more on that below). There’s only so much tear gas and riot gear that high school seniors can see on tv before they begin to reconsider the type of school community with which they’d like to affiliate. And that goes both ways - the protests are very appealing to some and very unappealing to others!



The situation at Columbia escalated significantly over the last week as professional protest consultants worked to exacerbate (and, it is suspected, to fund) the encampment of student protesters. The group then ultimately occupied, vandalized, and blockaded a campus building, Hamilton Hall.

Mayor Eric Adams issued a “shelter in place” order on campus and brought in over 100 NYPD police officers dressed in riot gear, who arrested over 230 students at Columbia last night. These students now face expulsion from the university. He explained: “This is a global problem, that [the] young are being influenced by those who are professionals and radicalizing our children. And I'm not going to allow that to happen.”

At this point, the campus is closed to everyone except for essential staff and students who live in residence halls, with only one campus access point.


While we are hopeful that the situation at Columbia will begin to improve over the next few days, similar demonstrations continue to rage on at many other campuses around the country. From state troopers in riot gear at the University of Texas at Austin to UCLA to UNC and more, nearly 400 demonstrations have taken place and continue to occur at schools all around the country. These have resulted in consequences ranging from suspensions, expulsions, cancelled classes and disrupted graduation ceremonies — a particularly unfortunate situation for a cohort of students that missed their high school graduation ceremonies during the Covid-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020.


Whether you’re dealing with waitlist uncertainty, financial aid confusion, or protest fear, more students than ever have begun to reconsider their college choices for the upcoming year. We definitely don’t recommend making hasty decisions about this kind of thing, but there are a few circumstances in which a pivot may make sense. Fortunately, the National Association for College Admission Counseling posts a list of colleges with spaces remaining this fall. The list has over 200 options at the moment, although it is updated daily. Check it out - there are some good choices here, including Colorado State, Ithaca, Rollins, St. Joseph’s and more!


Shout out to my mom for sending me this article, which was a great one! Noting that "something feels distinctly off on Ivy League campuses” after years of increasing student entitlement that culminated in the recent protests, Forbes announced a list of twenty “New Ivies,” universities “producing the hard-working high achievers that employers crave.”

But students and parents shouldn’t get too excited — the acceptance rates at the private schools on the list are still extremely low, and the public school acceptance rates incorporate individual state legislation that makes the shared statistics largely non-representative for most applicants.

On the private side, they seem to have forgotten to include a certain school in St. Louis, but I’ll forgive that: the list includes many great options, ranging from Vanderbilt and Emory to Notre Dame, Georgetown, Boston College and more. I was also somewhat surprised that Duke and NYU were not on the list (probably too many protesters). The public institutions include all the usual suspects, including Michigan, UNC, Florida, Wisconsin, and of course our DMV favorites UVA and UMD. The only one that surprised me a little bit was SUNY Binghamton, a school to which we rarely have any students apply. I would have expected to see a mention of Indiana or UGA over Binghamton.

Speaking of public schools - Nate Silver is no exception to everyone singing their praises this year. In a recent blog post, he too reflected on the idea that state schools are often a better choice for most students than top-tier Ivy League programs (especially those going to “find themselves”).

One item that I wanted to clarify: he gave a few exceptions of students who might benefit from going to top-tier Ivy League programs, and one of those had to do with students planning to study law: “I’d … tell them to go with the elite private college,” he wrote, “If (i) they had a high degree of confidence in what they wanted to do with their degree and (ii) it was in a field like law that regards the credential as particularly valuable.”

He’s referring to law school here, not undergrad — students planning to attend law school later are actually one of the prime examples of those who do not need to pick an undergraduate school based on name, but their law school name is very important.

And lastly — I have tried to stop posting the generic articles that discuss how crazy this year’s college admissions process was, because we have covered all of the reasons for the craziness quite a few times already and I know that all of you get it by now. This morning, however, I read a great take in the New York Times and just couldn’t help myself from sharing it, so here we go: This Is Peak College Admissions Insanity.

I really agree with the idea that institutional certainty and applicant certainty have a negative correlation, with the events of the last several years increasing the potential to manipulate institutional certainty like never before. Unfortunately, this has left applicant certainty at an all time low.

Additionally, I think it’s eye-opening to recognize that even with advantaged “applicants … whose parents had taken the wise precaution of being rich,” their wealth wasn’t enough to get them where they wanted to be! Yes, the Visi student they profiled was ultimately admitted to Dartmouth, her father’s alma mater, which is amazing. She had some other great options as well. Still, look where she wasn’t admitted - even as a full-pay student with “stellar grades” at one of the top high schools in the D.C. area and a perfect ACT score. And we can’t even chalk this up to demonstrated interest, because she applied ED to Duke. Yet it wasn’t enough!

The uncertainty is out. of. control., and the truth is that we just don’t know where a student will get in anymore. We typically know where they won’t get in, but when it comes to qualified applicants, we have no clue. Could we have predicted that this girl would not have gotten into Duke ED but that she got into Johns Hopkins RD? No way. All we can do is make sure they have an ironclad strategy and do every single little thing right, and then we just have to let the chips fall where they may. But an important part of that strategy is making sure that students’ lists are extensive and balanced enough to have choices, no matter what happens.


I posted on social media this morning about a new interview trend that’s giving me a lot of pause. A new question making the rounds asks students about their go-to Starbucks order, with the idea that (a) they would not have prepared for this question in advance, and (b) an excessively-complicated order is likely to reflect a high-maintenance, entitled personality.

As a loyal Starbucks consumer, you can find me almost every morning dropping by one of the Vienna/Tysons locations: Spring Hill, Pike 7, or Maple Ave. So I have really thought about this quite a bit since I learned about the trend — probably too much for my own good — and I am just not down with the idea that a Starbucks order can always be an accurate measure of personality.

First, like I mentioned, I just don’t think there’s any truth to it, at least anecdotally. Some of the most high-maintenance people I know have very simple Starbucks orders. And some of the most easygoing people I know have rather complicated orders.

But beyond that, I think that one of the reasons I’ve continued to feel bothered by this trend is that it’s just another reminder that nothing is sacred anymore! It’s frustrating that today’s high school and college students have to come up with a strategy for their COFFEE ORDER so as not to offend or rub someone the wrong way. As if ordering an $8 latte every morning isn’t bothersome enough to lots of people in its own right.

And the choices feel pretty lose-lose: if you order oat milk, you’re suddenly identifying as a liberal environmentalist (I just like the taste..). If you prefer a skinny vanilla latte, you might be accidentally fat shaming someone. If you say you just like plain coffee, they know you’re lying. Ultimately, I decided the safest approach is to respond that your order is an iced coffee with sugar or stevia. It’s plain, but not too plain. Relatively inoffensive, as far as these things go. NO MENTION OF OAT MILK!

P.S. When Starbucks got rid of sugar-free hazelnut in 2017 (such a sad time that was) I got sick of having sugar-free vanilla all the time. So I began to mix various seasonal sauces and syrups with sugar-free-vanilla — like two pumps of each — to incorporate some variation while cutting down on the calories. Only in the fall and winter, because I don’t love the spring/summer seasonal flavors. You can call me high maintenance, but I’d like to think it makes me an out-of-the-box problem-solver :)

‘Tis the season…for early application decisions!

Over the next few weeks, many schools will release their early application decisions - especially those with binding early decision plans (some non-binding early action decisions will not come in until January or even February). If you aren’t sure when to expect decisions from the schools on your list, check out this website for expected dates and times.

Make sure to consider where you want to be when you receive your decisions. We recommend you log into your portal or open your email or letter in the privacy of your room or home, not in your high school cafeteria ​​or while with a group of friends. You need to be able to have an honest, emotional response. We have seen a trend developing in which students record themselves opening their admission decisions and then post the video on TikTok. We definitely do NOT recommend this approach!

You should also take some time to decide how you want to share this information, whether positive or negative. Tell your parents. Tell your counselor at school. And of course, tell us! Beyond that, remember that YOU get to decide if and when you choose to share your news with anyone else.

Read on for some helpful tips, broken down by decision!

  • If Accepted:

    • First of all, congratulations!

    • Be gracious. Congratulate yourself. It is ok to celebrate—but be appropriate. Remember there are many of your peers and friends who have not heard anything, are still applying to schools, or have been deferred, waitlisted or denied ​​(sometimes by the same school that just accepted you!).

    • Be grateful. Thank your parents. Thank your recommenders. A hand-written thank you note goes a long way for an educator who cares about your success and puts the effort in to meet your school’s deadlines. 

    • Be engaged. Your acceptance is not the signal to check out or give in to “senior slide.”

    • Be proactive. If you have been accepted early decision, be sure to withdraw your applications from the remainder of your schools. You agreed to do this when you signed the early decision form.

  • IF Deferred:

    • Continue to work hard in your classes. Many schools will ask you to submit midyear grades in the portal, on the SRAR, or from your counselor.

    • Check with us or your school counselor before sending additional submissions. More is not necessarily better. Follow the school’s directions for submitting materials.

    • Compose your letters of continued interest (LOCI). Write brief (seriously: brief!) letters that state why you want to attend the schools and why you would be a great fit. Check out our prior blog post: Writing an Effective Letter of Continued Interest: Instructions and Samples, and again, only do this if the schools at which you were deferred will accept them (most will!).

  • If Waitlisted:

    • Respond. Be sure to follow the school’s instructions to accept your place on the waitlist. 

    • Redouble your efforts and study, study, study. These schools will see your 3rd and 4th quarter or winter and spring term grades, which, if strong, can help you.

    • Refocus. Be sure to deposit at another school by May 1 to ensure you are going to college somewhere, even if you remain on other waitlists.

  • If Denied:

    • Process the news. It’s ok to allow yourself time to be disappointed (for a day or two). What you feel is real and needs to be expressed, but cannot take over your life. This sounds impossible, but don’t take it personally. Read our previous post:  5 Steps to Take After Being Deferred or Denied Early Admission.

    • Maintain perspective. Remember you have a balanced list for a reason.

    • Pull yourself together and submit your remaining applications. Do not allow a denial to paralyze you. You need to continue to work hard in your classes and make sure all of your remaining applications are submitted.

    • Prioritize self-care. Got a shredder? Print out your letter and shred it! Have a fire pit? Invite friends over and make s’mores out of your denial letters! Be creative and find a way to move forward!


  • If you need help adding new schools to your list or reviewing application materials over winter break, make an appointment with Colleen or Sally to review it and discuss whether or not you need to make any changes

  • If you need more essay coaching meetings, book them as soon as possible (but don’t add new schools without running that by us first)!

If you need help now but didn’t work with us earlier in the process on an ongoing basis, it’s not too late.

NOTE: We may be able to add additional essay coaching availability depending on demand, so the earlier you let us know you need help, the better! Please send our admin team an email to discuss options if you can’t find a session that works for you using the links above.

REMEMBER: We are rooting for you just as much as you are (maybe even more!). Stay smart, stay positive, and enjoy the rest of senior year! 

Weekly Update: May 15



Two parents who were convicted in the Varsity Blues scandal had their convictions overturned this week by a federal appeals court. The court overturned all convictions against Gamal Abdelaziz and all but one conviction of another parent, John Wilson.  

The federal judges on the case determined that the two parents did not knowingly commit fraud, believing that they were making legitimate donations to the universities. We’ll be paying attention to how this development affects the 50+ convictions of other parents in the aftermath of Varsity Blues. 


A 72-year-old man graduated from Georgia Gwinnett College last week. After raising 5 kids and 15 grandchildren, Sam Kaplan got his degree in Cinema and Media Arts with his 99-year-old mother and several of his children in the audience. He hopes to become a screenwriter. 

Meanwhile, at Texas Lutheran University, senior Ashley Adams is making university history by graduating alongside both of her parents on Saturday. We believe that everyone should have the chance to get their degree - but we have to say, we’re not sure many of our students would love having their parents on the same campus!


The Minnesota House and Senate passed a bill that includes a free tuition program for students coming from families that make less than $80,000 per year. The program will allow Minnesota students to attend public colleges and universities for free, covering any tuition costs left over after state and federal grants and institutional scholarships. Now, these students will not need to take out loans to cover their education!


This CNBC article is a reality check for some college students when it comes to starting salary. Job prospects look good for the graduating class of 2023, who are graduating into a strong job market, and the average starting salary for new graduates is $56,000. However, a survey found that college students expect to be making nearly $85,000 just one year after graduating - a difference of 30K! In fact, the same survey found that many college graduates say they wouldn’t take a job for less than $72,000 - lower than the average expectation, but much higher than the average starting salary. While salary expectations vary widely across industries, it is smart for students to do their research so they can manage their expectations upon entering the workforce. 

DC local Yasmine Arrington started ScholarCHIPS - a scholarship nonprofit to assisted Children of Incarcerated Parents - when she was just sixteen years old. The child of an incarcerated parent herself, Yasmine started the organization to provide a safe space for students who need support - many of whom have not disclosed at school or to their friends that their parent is incarcerated. Since the organization was created in 2010, it has awarded over $450,000 in scholarships to more than 80 students. In addition to scholarships, the organization provides each student with a laptop, access to an emergency fund, check-ins throughout the year, and the option of being matched with a mentor. Students can apply or get involved here, or donate to ScholarCHIPS here. Of course, do your research before you donate, as we have not vetted this organization - just passing it along!

We hope the moms out there had a wonderful mother’s day yesterday! My own mom sent this article to me about the #1 phrase that moms are sick of hearing and it really resonated with me (I could probably write a book on invisible labor- don’t even get me started).

Mother’s Day 2023, representing 11 years of love, joy and invisible labor :)

One thought I did have while reading, though, was that I can sleep well at night knowing that my team and I are 100% part of the solution for other parents - we absolutely, one million percent have your back and will do whatever we can to help you out and make adolescence easier on your family, whether something is directly related to college applications or not. And that’s how I ended up at Nordstrom last week, helping one of my favorite young women try on clothes for an interview - true story :) I know we get paid for our services, but at the same time, we really care and will go to great lengths to ease your load however we can (as long as it’s not illegal!). This is a central part of our mission and I think we do an excellent job living it out.


Shannon attended the Best of Boston counselor session this week and wanted to share some of her biggest takeaways:

  1. Early decision is becoming more and more important. Tufts and Northeastern expect to admit about half or slightly more through the early rounds, while BU intends to admit 55% of its class early decision next cycle. Many selective and highly selective colleges around the country will have similar projections, so we encourage students to think hard about whether the strategic advantage associated with ED is the way to go!

  2. Check your email! Tufts, Northeastern, and BU all expect to close their waitlists in mid-June, so we’ve got about a month or less of waitlist activity. In the event that students are admitted off the waitlist, the school will give them about a week (or sometimes less!) to respond. So, if you are waiting on a decision, make sure to check email regularly and prepare to commit on a short timeline. 

  3. Don’t phone in your “Why This School?” essay. All three schools at the session consider demonstrated interest, as do many others. While Northeastern does not typically have supplemental essays, for Tufts and BU, the “Why This School?” supplemental essay is the most important essay - and a big factor in their consideration of demonstrated interest! It is essential to ensure that the essay is unique, authentic to you, and could only be used to describe that single school.

    P.S. We have noticed that these types of essays have been a real pain point for students post-Covid. As a result, we made the decision to offer our Class of 2024 students two options for free instruction from our essay coaches on how to approach these essays. Yes - totally free - that’s how important we think these are. If you missed the email communication and are wondering how to sign up, please email admin@dccollegecounseling.com for details. 

And for any OLGC families reading - students who are members of OLGC parish with a GPA of at least 3.0 are eligible to apply for the JTC Scholarship. Interested students should apply by May 25!

Have a great week!

Weekly Update: May 1

It’s Decision Day! Seniors, make sure to get those deposits in - and then celebrate! 



As College Board rolls out its AP African American Studies curriculum, the class has come under criticism from professors, politicians, and families. Last week, just three months after releasing the curriculum, College Board announced that it would change the course in response to the accusation from stakeholders who claim that the course has been “watered down” due to political pressure from conservative states like Florida, which have said they will not offer the course. The announcement comes ahead of a planned May 3 protest against College Board from civil rights groups and the teachers’ union.  


It is a bit too soon to tell right now, but we’re hearing that we may see some major waitlist movement this year! For some baseline statistics from the Class of 2026, as well as predictions for 2027, check out this blog post from College Kickstart. We’ll be keeping you updated as we hear more.


Fourteen college students were hospitalized on Saturday after a roof collapsed near The Ohio State University. Students were standing on the roof during a house party, which led to the collapse.


One way to respond to an increase in rejections from so-called “highly rejective” colleges? Rejection parties! High schools, colleges, and even graduate schools are starting to celebrate students’ rejections from colleges, conferences, publications, and more. Students say that these events help them to process the rejection and also to realize that they have a lot of other great options - sounds good to us!

The Today Show’s Jenna Bush Hager shares the #1 piece of advice her mom gave her before she headed off to college: to treat it like a job. Jenna, along with Hoda Kotb, also shared her biggest mistakes and regrets from college - so this is a great article for seniors wondering how to avoid the same pitfalls next year!

As schools become more selective and the college application process becomes more stressful for many students and families, some people are asking, “Is college worth it?” The president of Princeton University, perhaps unsurprisingly, says yes. President Christopher Eisgruber argues that completing college is “a reliable and cost-effective investment.” He points out that most students are not paying sticker price for their degree - 60% of Princeton students, for example, pay an average of $12,000 per year for their degrees, and 25% will pay nothing at all. Eisgruber is in the minority, though, with 56% of Americans telling the Wall Street Journal that a college degree is not worth the cost.

The ethics of the Supreme Court have been in the news a lot lately, and the New York Times is scrutinizing the relationship between George Mason’s Scalia Law School and the justices on the Court. The university hired Justice Neil Gorsuch during his first term on the Court, and added Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh to the faculty quickly after. In doing so, the university has set itself up as a bastion of conservative legal scholarship. The rebranding has led to a huge jump in Scalia Law School’s prestige - it now sits at #30 in the U.S. News law school rankings.

Price-shopping for college? Some schools may provide an estimate of their costs alongside the projected costs for a student at competing colleges. And while it is easy to imagine these cost comparisons could help students and families make an informed choice about their finances, there is a catch - the estimates are often wrong. Actual college costs for an individual family are notoriously difficult to estimate. The company that provides these price comparisons, College Raptor, argues that some information is better than nothing, and that the comparisons do not need to be 100% accurate to be useful to students and families, who are otherwise in the dark about the true costs of college.

A former UVA student wrote an article detailing the accusations against then-UVA senior Morgan Bettinger for threatening Black Lives Matter protesters near Grounds. Though an investigation by the university’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights found that Bettinger did not make a threat, she still suffered harassment online and today struggles to overcome the damage to her reputation by the accusations and the school’s inquiry.


We are so happy for all of our seniors who have sent in deposits!! Congratulations to everyone for such phenomenal success in an incredibly difficult year. We are so proud of you!

In other news, we are rolling out a new multi-purpose submission form to our juniors and younger students this week and I cannot even TELL you how much work has gone into this behind the scenes - I’m incredibly excited to get it into place!

It streamlines all of the various submission forms we were using before into one link - we had one for STAGE, one for other editing, one for transcripts/test scores, one for parent residency, one for student residency, etc, etc.

And to make things even more exciting (yes, I realize that my idea of exciting is not that exciting to everyone else 😀), we are even incorporating a whole bunch of new forms to help families!

These include ones for application submission and test score preferences, to make sure that we are 100% up to date on any changes that may occur during the process, and another to track demonstrated interest and college visit/contact information to help with all those pesky questions that pop up on supplements. I just love efficiency and I know this is going to make everything even easier on our families!