Campus Tours — Northern Virginia College Admissions Counseling Blog — DC College Counseling


Campus Tours

Weekly Update: February 6

Happy National School Counseling Week! I spent 10 years as a school-based college counselor, and as I always say, nothing makes me happier than collaborating with my school counselor colleagues.

There are things that school counselors can do for students that independent counselors cannot, and there are things that independent counselors can do for students that school counselors cannot. When families allow school counselors and independent counselors to collaborate together, it’s the best of both worlds and the students benefit SO MUCH!

Here’s a related blog post I wrote a few years ago, which delves into the differences between expectations families should have for school counselors and independent counselors.



On Monday morning, Dartmouth College announced that they will require applicants to submit standardized test scores in the upcoming undergraduate admissions cycle. When Dartmouth’s new president, Sian Beilock, started in the summer of 2023, she tapped four sociology and economics professors to complete an internal study on the use of test scores in admissions. In their January 30 memo to President Beilock, the researchers stated several key findings.

First, test scores “are highly predictive” of academic achievement at Dartmouth. Interestingly, they also “predict career success, including high levels of earnings and attendance at elite graduate schools, holding family income constant.” Second, the correlation to academic success is consistent among all demographic groups they studied (regardless of socioeconomic background). Third, they concluded that the test-optional policy currently in place “is likely a barrier to Dartmouth identifying less-advantaged students who would succeed at Dartmouth.” Finally, they conclude that the test-optional policy has not increased the number of less-advantaged applicants in the admission pool.

What is new about this study are these third and fourth points, which assert that the data shows that there were less-advantaged applicants with SAT scores in the 1400 range who did not submit those scores to be considered (the study included data and SAT scores from students who applied test-optional, but whose scores the admissions office was able to see after the admissions process was concluded). Dartmouth historically has admitted disadvantaged students with lower test scores, taking into consideration “students who are excelling in their environment.” The question becomes whether or not schools will seek more socio-economic diversity now that they are unable to use race as a factor in admission decisions, and, therefore, start to require students to submit test scores.


The Virginia state legislature has taken the next step toward ending legacy preference in the college admission process. On January 23, 2024, the Virginia Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 46 which will prohibit public colleges and universities from “providing any manner of preferential treatment in the admissions decision to any student applicant on the basis of such student’s legacy status … ” The Virginia House of Delegates unanimously passed House Bill 48 on January 31, 2024. Both bills are now with the Committee of Conference and once they are reconciled into one bill, both houses will vote again. Since both bills were passed unanimously, it is expected that the reconciled bill will also pass and be sent to Governor Glenn Youngkin to sign. Governor Youngkin has indicated that he is likely to sign the bill, which would make Virginia the first state to ban legacy admissions at public colleges and universities. Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in June 2023, Virginia Tech announced a change in admissions policy to eliminate both legacy status and race from consideration when making admissions decisions. The University of Virginia reported that 15 percent of their students last year were legacy, though that statistic does not clarify how many students received preferential treatment in the admission process.


Already plagued by delays in launching the redesigned FAFSA, the U.S. Department of Education Office of Federal Student Aid issued an update and revised timeline for the time needed to process FAFSA submissions. Now, the department will not begin to send students’ information to colleges and universities until the first half of March, an additional six weeks later than initially announced. In prior years, the FAFSA opened on October 1 and could deliver student data to schools in four to six weeks. As a result of the redesign and now the additional delay, most colleges and universities will be delayed in providing applicants with financial aid award packages. Many institutions of higher education require both the FAFSA and the CSS/Profile (administered by the College Board). These schools will be able to calculate “estimated” financial aid packages, but cannot finalize those until they receive the official data from the Federal Student Aid office. A handful of schools have already announced that they will extend the traditional May 1 enrollment deadline for students to make a deposit a the school they intend to attend.


The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic continue to ripple across many aspects of education. This week, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on budget cuts at the University of Connecticut—amounting to an across-the-board 15% budget cut (spread over 5 years) for every school, department, and program. Other public colleges have also seen cuts, which observers attribute to reductions in what had been an influx of Federal money during 2020 to help weather the pandemic storm. In the years since, many public colleges have relied on state legislatures to continue to provide the additional funding. Now legislatures in many states are pushing back—Connecticut, West Virginia, and Arizona, to mention a few—expecting the public colleges to find alternative sources of revenue. Faculty members and administrators say the cuts will have a big effect, perhaps none bigger than the losses of whole departments and graduate programs (including graduate teaching assistants). How this will play out over the coming five years of cuts will be interesting to watch.


Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro says the system of state universities and community colleges is broken and has proposed sweeping reforms to fix it. While there are no current plans to close any of the 10 state universities that comprise the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) and 15 community colleges, the new plan will bring oversight under a single governing body, while allowing each to remain independent. These schools have faced significant enrollment declines and are bracing for more projected drops due to demographic changes. Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh, Lincoln University, and Temple University each receive some state funding, but are not owned by the state and will not be affected by the changes in governance.


In the article “Why Campus Life Fell Apart,” The Chronicle of Higher Education takes a look at how the Covid-19 pandemic affected student engagement on college campuses. Past studies and analyses have found that student engagement directly impacts student success in college. When students are unable to participate in clubs, organizations, and campus activities, they do not develop the teamwork, leadership, and project management skills necessary to keep student-led extracurriculars running from year to year. Students need these clubs and organizations to make connections with other students and build a sense of community and shared purpose. Because student leadership changes yearly and many clubs and organizations did not meet for multiple years, schools need to be more involved in providing leadership training and rebuilding institutional knowledge to revive clubs and organizations and re-engage students.

While the previous article looked at the interpersonal and communication skills lost by students during the pandemic, The New York Times published the results of a national study of elementary and middle-school students’ learning loss in math and reading between 2019-2023. Overall, students have made up approximately a third of what they lost in mathematics during the pandemic while regaining a quarter of what they lost in reading, according to researchers from Stanford University, Harvard University, and Dartmouth College. This extensive study looks at cumulative learning loss across states and the country, but also presents data by school district which clearly identifies significant disparities from district to district. (This tool allows you to look at math scores by district from 2019 through 2023.) In last week’s blog post, we detailed the efforts Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria, and Loudoun Counties are making to address learning loss for students in grades three through eight.

In his Forbes blog on college admissions, Brennan Barnard has asked college deans and directors of admission for their advice for students as they start the college admission process. They responded: start with self-reflection; assess your interests and strengths; explore your options by visiting local schools and accessing virtual opportunities to get to know schools; and remember that this is your journey. The deans and directors also had advice for families, especially parents: guide your student, but allow them to take ownership of the process; find the balance between encouraging your student’s self-discovery and learning and doing it for them; have an open discussion about finances and college choices; and remember to keep your student and their happiness at the forefront of the process. We agree! This is all advice we also share with students and families as we help them navigate the journey.

The U.S. Department of Education has proposed a change in how students are billed for textbooks and course materials in college. Under President Obama’s policy, colleges were allowed to include the cost of books and materials in their tuition and fees. In doing so, they were able to work directly with publishers to negotiate lower prices. Critics of the policy say that this prohibits students from finding materials and resources at lower costs. Some students like the convenience of the costs included in tuition and fees, while others say they are required to buy textbooks or materials that are seldom used in the course.

Virginia’s Attorney General has filed suit against the NCAA, alleging that the association which oversees college athletics does not have the authority to block colleges donors/boosters from enticing athletic recruits through compensation. The attorney general joins his Tennessee counterpart in asking a judge to block the NCAA rule restricting competition under the NIL, the name-image-likeness rule, which allows amateur athletes to be compensated for any use of their name-image-likeness, arguing that the rule limits competition.


On Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow foretelling an early spring. With the nicer weather, February is a great time to visit college campuses. Whether you are considering the specific school or taking advantage of the range of schools in our area, nothing can replace an in-person tour. And as we always say — even if you don’t think your student is particularly interested in any of the schools in the DC area, these easy local visits can still be so helpful when it comes to differentiating preferences. For example, if you recognize that GW is too urban, you can very easily save yourself the trip to BU and NYU!

Some schools offer upcoming special programs for juniors, while others offer individual or group tours:

American University—February 19 Winter Preview Day

Catholic University—February 17 Cardinal Preview Day 

George Mason University—March 25 Junior Visit Day and March 1 College of Engineering and Computing Junior Visit Day

George Washington University—Schedule an In-Person Foggy Bottom Campus Tour and consider adding Discover the Arts at GW or GW Engineering In-Person Tour. 

Howard University—Schedule an Information Session & Campus Tour

University of Maryland—February 19, Discover Maryland

Have a great week!

IN CASE YOU MISSED THEM, CHECK OUT our january updates!

Small Details, Big Messages: What to Look for on a Campus Tour

When you’re touring a college campus, it’s easy to get distracted. That’s because you’re probably busy checking out the size of the dorm rooms or noting the food options in the cafeteria. Or maybe you’re gazing off down the street at the football stadium or anxiously awaiting your chance to check out the gym facilities. There’s a lot to take in, so much so that you might not always notice the details. But did you know that small details can actually send big messages about a college?

On your next campus visit, be on the lookout for these subtle clues. They will give you insight into the school culture and might just help you make important decisions about whether or not you can picture yourself there!


One of the best ways to really get a sense of what goes on at a college is to look at advertisements. As you tour academic buildings, student centers, and dorms, take note of bulletin boards and posted flyers, especially in entryways. These ads will show the kinds of events taking place on campus and how students are getting involved. Plus, they can help answer questions you may have about the social environment and political climate.


Although you may not have the chance to sit in on an actual college class, make sure you take a peek into some classrooms. These rooms can reveal a lot about the academic life on campus–if you know what to look for. First (and most obviously), take note of the size of the classrooms. Are you seeing lots of big lecture halls or smaller, more intimate spaces? Also, what type of furniture is there - and what is the layout like? Do most of them have desks, and if so, are they arranged by rows or in a circle? Do you notice any rooms with seminar tables or interactive work areas? Finally, scan the rooms for technology, so you can get a sense of how professors actually deliver their lessons.

Student Interactions

Is the cafeteria packed with students huddled around the tables? Are there groups of undergrads hanging out on the quad? Did you notice if the library study rooms are filled with people doing group projects? Has anyone said hello as you’ve passed them on the walkway? These are easy details to overlook, but don’t! Observe the ways that students interact with other members of the school community and with visitors like you. You can also learn a lot by paying attention to common areas. Notice if/how the campus layout gives students opportunities to gather and collaborate– and if they’re actually using these spaces.  

The most memorable graffiti I’ve ever seen on a college campus. It says: “Keep Baylor Baptist!” This gives an indication that there’s some secularization occurring, which could be a good or bad thing depending on an individual student’s preferences!

Signs of protest

Students everywhere have complaints, and some aren’t afraid to express them publicly! Look closely to see if you can spot signs of protest on campus: graffiti, advertisements, etc. These postings are often a source of valuable insight into the campus culture and what students care about. 


Remember that the college you’re touring could potentially be your home for the next four years. It’s important that you feel safe and secure. Yes, everyone has blue lights. But what else? As you walk around campus, look for features that would make you feel comfortable if you were strolling down these same pathways in the dark. Are the walkways well-lit? Do you see any security officers patrolling the grounds? Is there a free shuttle or escort service for students walking home late at night? And when you enter buildings, pay particular attention to how people can access them. Do students need to scan an ID card, for example? 

I was very impressed with the security on my last visit to Loyola in Baltimore. I was stopped immediately and not permitted to proceed on campus until I showed ID and a reason for my visit. At Johns Hopkins, just a mile away, nobody blinked an eye.

Just as important, take some time to explore the area surrounding the school. Remember that at many colleges and universities, upperclassmen opt to live off campus, and you’ll want to make sure there are safe options. Sometimes, nearby neighborhoods even defy stereotypes associated with the larger metropolitan area! Shout out to the City of Clayton if anyone is considering Wash U - I lived in Clayton during my last year of college (along with many other Wash U students) and it was one of the best places I’ve ever lived.


Cleanliness speaks volumes! Pay particular attention to how a college maintains its spaces. Are the bathrooms clean? Do the carpets look worn out in the library? Is there a musty smell in the residence halls? Of course a college campus isn’t going to be perfectly pristine, but you can see when effort is being made to keep everything clean and up to date.


To help you keep track of all of the details on a campus tour, take notes and pictures. We promise, it’s not geeky, and it will help you later as you start to compare all of the schools you’ve visited.

If you’re interested in learning more about campus tours, revisit our blog post from last spring. We shared expert tips on when to schedule your visit, how to prepare, and what do while you’re actually on campus.

Safe campus travels!