Greetings From Tyler!

All about tyler

Hello everyone! My name is Tyler Pallotta and I am the new intern here at DC College Counseling!

Just like our current clients, I too was a high school student working with Colleen and her team. Before graduating from Flint Hill School in the summer of 2020, I worked with Colleen to find the college that was the best fit for me, with my personal strengths and interests.

So, where did my story begin and what brought me here writing to you all today?


MY college admissions STORY

I came from a small private school called Flint Hill and fell in love with the smaller class sizes and more personalized learning style that Flint Hill gave me, which was a must-have for my future college. My interests were vast, but Colleen helped me simplify them into categories that made the most sense for me. From there, I knew I needed a small school that ideally had some form of an entrepreneurship major or minor, a business school, and some STEM related fields to pursue my unique educational path.

I worked extensively with Colleen and essay coaches to craft my story and represent myself in the best light to the schools I was applying to. The essay coaches, by asking questions about me and getting to know me on a personal level, were able to help me perfectly capture what I wanted to show a college admissions committee.

After a long search, the team at DC College Counseling was able to help me decide on the University of Richmond, where I just completed my freshman year. Although there were a lot of small schools with personalized educational experiences, the University of Richmond was the one for me because it has everything I wanted in a school. It’s close to a city, has a big and open college campus, the kids are generally relaxed but work hard, there are majors and minors specifically focused on entrepreneurship and STEM, and I was able to find that same level of personal connection with my professors at Richmond that I loved at Flint Hill. For me, Richmond is the perfect fit, and without DC College Counseling, I would have never realized that. 


Because I felt so strongly that DC College Counseling offered such an important service to their students, and because I want to learn more about how to run a business, I sought out Colleen and offered to help out around DC College Counseling for the summer!

Over the next few months, I’m excited to meet prospective and current clients and offer my perspective on college decision-making and strategy, since I went through the same DC College Counseling process. If you have afternoon essay coaching sessions, you will also see me at the front desk welcoming you and greeting you before your meeting!

Lastly, I know how difficult it is to start your college search journey or application process. Before DC College Counseling, I had a very minimal idea of what it takes to succeed in the application and search process. However, being able to create your unique story to share and make yourself stand out from the crowd is invaluable, and after it is all said and done, you will find a place that best suits you, just like University of Richmond best suits me. 

If you have any questions for me, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you!