Class of 2021

College Experience Coaching - Applications & Special Programs

Last week, we covered the ins and outs of the course registration process and how college experience coaching can help. While course registration is often one of the most complex and nuanced parts of the first few years of college, it is by no means the ONLY challenge that students will come upon their first year (and beyond!)

College experience coaching can also help when students find themselves needing to complete internal applications within their college or university. Unfortunately, these have become a common part of the college experience!

What do you mean, more applications?

Yup. As a college student, there are two main types of applications that we help students complete (while ensuring they put their best foot forward!).

The first is an academic application for a special program, school, or course experience that interests them. Many schools offer selective programs within the university that students can potentially enter in their second or third year. These are often pre-professional programs; for example, both the McIntire School of Commerce at UVa and the Robins School of Business at William & Mary will only accept students through a selective internal application process. And this is quite common elsewhere, too. There may also be scholarship opportunities, honors colleges, or even research funding for which students can apply while at school.

The second type is actually an extracurricular application. Believe it or not, many clubs and organizations also require (sometimes extensive!) applications and even interviews from students looking for leadership opportunities or membership in campus organizations. Frankly, this can be a pain, but these experiences are worth the effort; not only do they help students develop practical skills they need for the workforce, they are very useful when it comes to building resumes for job or internship opportunities. We help students stay on track to put together the best possible application packages - all while balancing their academic work.

What type of applications can you help with?

Applications are our expertise! Here are just some of the application types that we’ve successfully provided coaching to help students complete:

  • Honors College applications

  • Internal applications for selective schools or majors within the institution

  • Study abroad applications

  • Internship applications

  • Research or grant funding applications

  • Internal and external scholarship applications

  • Leadership positions, including those in greek life

  • Campus organizations requiring applications for baseline membership

  • Student government, student ambassador, and other institutional applications

Does my student’s school even have these types of opportunities?

Most likely, the answer is yes! But many of them may not be highly publicized, or your student may not know about the deadlines for some more selective programs. It can be really disappointing to realize junior year that research funding would have been possible, if only you’d taken a one-credit research seminar that is only offered to sophomores! We can help students investigate the possibilities on their campus and make sure they are on track to achieving their goals and making the most out of their experiences.

Can’t I just help my student with this stuff?

Yes! For some families, this works well and parents can help and encourage their students to make the most of the college experience. If that is you, college experience coaching may not be the best fit.

However, if any of the following sounds familiar, this may be a good investment for your family: “I don’t think she has any idea what she wants to do.” “I’m worried that he’s not thinking about his future.” “I’m not sure how to support her without imposing my own ideas.” “He says he’ll apply but the deadline is in two weeks and I don’t see how that’s possible.”

We hear issues like these from parents all the time. You want to support your student, but you also want them to have their own college experience. Or you think they need someone to talk to about their future plans, but you just can’t get them to talk to you without feeling like you’re nagging every time you get a phone call! A check-in with a professional can provide a sounding board outside of the family for both you and your student, giving you peace of mind and helping to keep your relationship intact.

Have an upcoming application deadline?

Reach out to Shannon today to learn more about college experience coaching, and check out our Packages and Fees page for more information on costs.

College Experience Coaching - Course Registration Time!

Did you know that in addition to educational consulting, we also offer college experience coaching to help students navigate their first year of college and beyond? Whether students are hoping to prepare for success in graduate school admissions, enter the job market with a strong resume, or simply just maximize the undergraduate experience, working with us can help make it happen!

So while our high school seniors are submitting their applications and waiting to hear from their schools, we’ve been busy helping our Class of 2021, Class of 2020, and Class of 2019 students with their spring course registration!

Can’t their advisors help with that?

At many schools, course selection and registration are notoriously difficult - especially for underclassmen. Even at ultra-selective private universities, advisors are meant to help facilitate schedules and share information about graduation requirements. So while they can certainly help, it’s not typically the kind of personalized assistance that most of our students (and their parents) expect!

Yes, there are a few exceptions, but most do not sit down with students to examine options and plot out the best possible schedule permutations. They can’t - they just don’t have time to do that for each student. It’s just like the school counselor vs. independent counselor issue we’ve discussed so many times before.

How does it work?

We do the research and leg work to help put together a personalized schedule tailored to your student’s preferences, goals, core requirements, and major/minor requirements - as well as backups (and backups to the backups!) to be covered when registration hits those inevitable snafus. Worried about getting stuck with a hard or boring professor? Not on our watch! Want to make sure no classes start before 10 a.m. and Fridays are free? We make it happen all the time!

Revealing our secrets…

Want to try to put the best possible schedule together on your own? Here’s some tips and tricks right out of our playbook:

  1. Map out a four-year plan from the start. Colleges typically provide lists of various requirements (general education, major, minor, etc), but they don’t always put everything together in one place. Sketching out a general four-year plan is a necessary first step that we take with each of our students - we put all of their requirements together in one place and incorporate space for study abroad, co-ops, and any other deviations from a traditional schedule.

    This provides an easy way for students to visualize exactly which types of courses they need to take and when, and how much flexibility they have - for example, how many times they can change their major before they are at risk of graduating late! - or whether they have room to pick up a new minor, etc. It also really helps to have a baseline when it comes to planning out each individual semester. We do modify this four-year plan as things change, but we rely heavily upon it.

  2. Create a master list early. As soon as course schedules are released for the upcoming semester (typically about a month in advance of registration), start planning out options. Look at the four year plan, determine which requirements are slated to be met during that particular semester, and start playing with the schedule to determine which available courses will fit the requirements. Come up with a master list of potential options.

  3. Identify the top two criteria of choice and start removing courses from consideration. We recommend prioritizing the quality of the instructor more than anything else. Even the most boring material can be interesting with a great professor. We always look for those who aren’t harsh graders, but are engaging and make learning fun. Depending on the material and the student’s needs, we may also look for those who are highly effective in terms of teaching the subject matter. This is less important in some situations (i.e. an English major trying to meet a Natural Science graduation requirement)- but it’s essential in others (I.e. a nursing major who ultimately needs to pass the NCLEX exam, an accounting major who ultimately needs to pass the CPA exam, etc). In addition to instructor quality, we also prioritize aspects including time of day, day of week, difficulty of subject matter when compared to alternatives, etc.)

  4. Keep careful notes for future semesters. Maybe it comes out that Prof. Smith is the most amazing in the psychology department, but he’s only teaching 9am classes this semester and that’s a deal-breaker. No problem! Write down a reminder to check out his courses during the following semester’s registration period. After we research various professors, we often put together short descriptions of their characteristics - bad and good - to make for easy reference down the line.

  5. Put permutations together! Start with the classes that seem to fit the top two criteria best, and put together a whole bunch of permutations that fit the general preference guidelines. There will be pros and cons to each permutation, and we like to rank them in order of preference. We also make sure that there are options available with a wide range of classes, because we don’t know which ones will fill up immediately on the morning of registration. For example, if every single schedule permutation includes POL315 and that one fills, it would be a problem!

  6. Monitor closely and adjust when needed. Freshmen typically register last, and even juniors can find that their top-choice courses have filled by the time their registration window opens. It’s important to be aware of which courses are filling, and which seem likely to fill. This way we can remove those permutations from the list and examine whether we have a sufficient number ready for registration day. Sometimes we need to go back to the drawing board to add more.

  7. Be strategic on registration day. After all of this prep work, it’s vital to make sure that students don’t miss their registration windows - and these usually happen very early in the morning. Be at the computer, ready to go, at least fifteen minutes in advance. Make sure to have a list of courses (in order of importance - those with fewer spots or which are most critical to the schedule should be prioritized). Start refreshing about a minute before the window to make sure to gain access immediately, and start registering from the pre-determined list. Make sure that the backup permutations are readily available to make for an easy pivot if courses fill unexpectedly.

Money Well Spent

Does this sound incredibly time-consuming? Well - that’s because it is (now you understand why advisors could never do this!). That’s why many parents ask us to step in - we are experienced and can take care of this much more efficiently than a student or parent could.

Still, our services aren’t free, or inexpensive. But put it into perspective, the cost of college today makes our fees look like chump change in comparison! Planning out course selection this way will greatly maximize the likelihood that a student will be able to graduate on time, and with the best possible grades. Every time something goes wrong (the student misses a requirement by mistake, or signs up for a course with a difficult professor and has to drop mid-semester, or doesn’t leave enough slots to be able to take all of their major/minor coursework on time), the likelihood of graduating in four years decreases.

Just about a week ago, the National Center for Education Statistics released updated data on graduation rates, and it’s pretty bleak. Did you know that only about 40% of students graduate from four-year universities within four years, and perhaps even scarier, only 64% graduate from four-year universities within SIX years! Even at an in-state public university, an extra year can cost around $35,000 - and that’s not including the opportunity cost of the year of lost income (average starting base salary for a B.S. graduate from UVa’s Commerce School: $78,000). Even using conservative estimates, we’re talking about a six-figure loss. So the investment of professional direction can be well worth it, and often ends up saving quite a bit of money down the line.

Need some help with Spring 2022 Registration?

Reach out to Shannon today to learn more about college experience coaching, and check out our Packages and Fees page for more information on costs.

Weekly Update: October 8



Fairfax County Public Schools are continuing with a virtual approach to college fairs this fall. They will have live virtual sessions from Monday, October 18 - Thursday, October 21. There will be three sessions each evening, and students should take a look at the schedule to see which sessions they may be interested in attending - there are sessions available for everyone from ninth graders to high school seniors. 


As you may have noticed from all of the “help wanted” signs, the job market is coming back as more people are vaccinated. While class of 2020 students graduated into a very difficult market, the class of 2021 is finding a much easier time when it comes to the job search. On campus recruiting has begun again at several schools, helping to connect these students with employers. Part-time work and internships have also been picking up.

If you are (or you know!) a local college student looking for an internship, we are hiring! Interested students should send us their resumes via email


Lawyers delivered the closing arguments in the first Varsity Blues trial on Wednesday, and the jury is deliberating as we write this blog. The lawyers for the two fathers facing trial argued that they did not know the methods that Rick Singer was using, and believed they were making legitimate donations. We’ll be watching closely for the outcome of this trial, which will likely set precedent for the upcoming trials of parents and others involved in the scandal.



We liked this post from Akil Bello (featured in the Varsity Blues documentary!) a lot, and wanted to share it because it has a lot of helpful information in terms of making the decision to take a standardized test. However, there were two pieces of information from Akil that don’t align with the advice that we’d give students, so we want to also provide a clarification. Keep in mind that all advice is subjective and dependent on many factors such as geographic location, etc.! 

  1. We believe that students should take their first SAT/ACT during the fall of junior year if possible, and finish testing by the end of junior year. This empowers them to make final decisions about their college list after they know their scores. Otherwise, they'd be making these decisions based on guesses about what their scores might look like. That can lead to overshooting or undershooting in terms of selectivity, and we prefer to work with actual numbers.

  2. We really agreed with everything in the test prep section and found that to be very valuable. For example, the 6-8 week span and the potential for improvement. The one part we didn't agree with is about potentially making the choice NOT to prep if a student scores above the 90th percentile with no prep after the fall of 11th grade. This is accurate from a national standpoint, but not at the schools to which most of our students hope to attend. 90th percentile scores are not going to cut it at their schools of choice - even UVA's 25th-75th% range reflects the 97th-99th percentile of ACT-takers. This means that only a quarter of UVA's admitted students who sent ACT scores came in lower than the 97th percentile (depressing, right?). So don't be lulled into a false sense of test prep security if you reach the 90th percentile and hope to attend a highly selective school.


When the College Board got rid of the SAT II earlier this year, many of us speculated that AP exams would come to be more significant in the college admissions process. This article in Psychology Today explores why that may not be such a great idea for students. In fact, the way that many AP classes are taught - “to the test,” to prepare students to take the AP exam - is the exact opposite of how many actual college classes are designed. In college, it will be far more important that students learn to think critically than that they memorize facts (that they promptly forget!) in order to score well on a standardized exam. 

While we agree with much of what this article says, the fact is that for many students, AP classes are part of setting themselves up for success in the college process. And until schools stop offering them as part of the curriculum (as many private schools have!), it is important for students to take a rigorous curriculum based on what is offered by their high school. So we are sorry to say that our general advice is, take the AP class! Of course, this is also particular to the student, and there are certainly students for whom the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to managing an AP course load. 

While we like to think that the work we do is pretty important, we wouldn’t have said it was a “matter of life and death” - until this interview! Angus Deaton, a Nobel prize winner and professor emeritus at Princeton, suggests that four-year college graduates are less likely than those who did not attend college to succumb to “deaths of despair” - suicides, drug overdoses, and the like. The gap between people with a bachelor’s degree and those without when it comes to these tragedies is only growing in the United States.



I was so honored and excited to co-host a roundtable session on “The Joys and Challenges of Being a Female Entrepreneur” today for IECA, the professional organization to which Shannon and I belong. Here’s a snapshot of some of the attendees! I’m on the top row to the left with my co-host, Dr. Pat Smith, to my right.

October is National Women’s Small Business Month, and this roundtable was a great way to celebrate. It was heartwarming to see how all of these individual consultants run very different businesses, yet we all care immensely about providing our families with the best possible experience.

Have a great weekend!

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Weekly Update: July 30

Hard to believe this is already our final July blog post! We are working hard to gear up for August :)



The 2021-2022 Common Application® will be released Sunday, August 1, after a several-day shutdown period.  We’re excited! We will be hard at work updating all of our application guides, and our clients and membership vault subscribers will have access early next week!


Suni Lee, the American gymnast who just won gold in the all-around gymnastics competition, has big plans for after her return: she’ll be reporting to Auburn University just a week after returning from Tokyo for her freshman year. She’ll be attending the university on a gymnastics scholarship, and said she looks forward to a more fun, less highly competitive experience. 


Walmart announced Tuesday that it will be doing away with the $1 a day fee that employees formerly paid for college, and now pay for 100% college tuition. They will also pay for books. The program allows employees to choose from ten different academic partners, including the University of Arizona and Southern New Hampshire University. Walmart is the country’s largest employer, with 1.5 million employees. 


After receiving a $5 million donation in bitcoin earlier this year, the University of Pennsylvania confirmed that it still holds some of the funding in the cryptocurrency. Penn typically immediately liquidates these types of donations as per university policy, but in this case the anonymous donor wanted the university to hold onto some of the donation (it did liquidate a portion).



While many colleges have announced that they will be requiring students to get vaccinated, some have gone beyond the requirement to provide incentives to vaccinated students. Auburn University, for example, is giving prizes like $1,000 scholarships, meal plan upgrades, and prime parking spots to vaccinated students. The University of Alabama is offering all vaccinated students $20 in Bama Cash to spend at restaurants and stores around Tuscaloosa. Rider University in New Jersey and Ohio Wesleyan University are taking it a step further - Rider will choose three vaccinated students at random to win a year of free tuition, and Ohio Wesleyan has opened up fifty additional spots for incoming vaccinated first-year or transfer students. Each of these fifty students will be eligible to receive a $25,000 scholarship as long as they meet basic admissions criteria. Pretty good!

“Currently, only a handful of colleges in Ohio are requiring all students to be vaccinated,” said Stefanie Niles, Ed.D., Ohio Wesleyan’s vice president for enrollment and communications. “We know that many students out there would prefer to live and learn on a campus where they feel safe and where they know they won’t have to experience another year of mask-wearing and social distancing.”


COVID-19 is continuing to impact college enrollment. After record low levels of enrollment last year, many schools were hoping to recoup tuition dollars and see a more typical campus environment in the fall. But with the spread of the Delta variant, over one-third of college-age students are reconsidering their college plans. Some will go to college closer to home, or attend a community college to save money. Others won’t go to college at all. 

The impact on students who did continue their education during the pandemic exists as well. While the college Class of 2021 will likely have an easier time with the job search than the Class of 2020, this is still a strange year, with many students still looking for full-time employment. If you are searching for your first post-grad job, check out this article with tips to stand out during the hiring process.



We are completely full for Class of 2022 students in our initial cohort, but have spots on our Late Start Waitlist for students who still need assistance beginning in late August/early September. Check out our Late Start Waitlist page if you’re wondering how it works, and fill out this form to be added to the list!

In other news, Common App® is rolling over from the 2020-2021 version to the 2021-2022 version this weekend, and we will hit the ground running on Monday with our Class of 2022 students as we help them navigate this rollover process. Check out our June 11 weekly update for a quick refresher of what that entails!

August is our busiest month of the year, but we love seeing our students’ hard work all come together!

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Weekly Update: July 23



2021 AP Exam scores are out! Check out the full distributions - if you click on the exam name, you can see the year over year differences in pass rates. Overall, students did not perform as well on this year’s exams, but the differences varied substantially from test to test. The pass rate for AP Lit, for instance, plummeted over 16 percentage points from 2020!


If you’ve been reading the blog (or any college news!), you know that many colleges received record numbers of applicants last cycle. Purdue was one of those schools, and will be welcoming the largest freshman class in its history in 2022, bringing 10,000 freshmen to campus. 

In response to the unprecedented number of first year students, Purdue has made the controversial decision to house three or four students in dorm rooms originally meant for two. Purdue is not the only school to have these “forced triple” (or quadruple!) rooms (Villanova is one school that typically offers a housing discount to students willing to stay in forced triples), but students who were used to social distancing for the last year may have to get used to being very close to their roommate(s)! We encourage all class of 2022 students to read any housing information carefully and prepare for potentially overfilled dorm rooms next year.



William & Mark faced criticism this week after Education Reform Now released a report about equity issues in Virginia higher education funding. The report pointed out that William & Mary is one of the highest-funded public institutions in the state, based on 2019 funding per full-time student - yet it enrolled the lowest percentage of students under a certain income threshold.

W&M responded by saying they consider their peer schools to be private institutions. Ouch! And that may be true in terms of who they consider their peers to be (W&M does fit a certain niche in that it is a public school that feels private!) - but make no mistake, the school is not private.

This Twitter thread about their tone-deaf response and potential student confusion caught our eye. I’ve certainly seen students confused by the fact that schools like University of Miami, New York University and the University of Pennsylvania are private, but William & Mary is definitely a public institution and we are pretty confident that our in-state Virginia students are well aware of this :)


The ACT announced this week that it will automatically approve students with IEP or 504 plans to receive the same accommodations on the test as they receive at school! We have always recommended that parents initiate the accommodations process for students with disabilities as early as possible, but this is even more reason to do so!


We know that the cost of college is rising, and students, parents, and families pay for college through a variety of means: income, savings, scholarships, grants, work study, loans - it can be overwhelming! This CNBC article explores how many families are funding students’ college education today. The moral of the story? Apply for as many sources of funding as you can! For more insight on whether you should complete the FAFSA, check out our blog post on the topic. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a lot of changes in the job market, and we are seeing many low-wage workers looking for more fulfilling work (and shortages of restaurant and retail workers as a result). Two-thirds of these workers do not have a college degree. This Washington Post opinion piece argues that employers should stop requiring that employees have bachelor’s degrees, instead allowing non-college-educated workers to rely on their skills and experience during the hiring process. 

Also in the Post this week, an article about the impact of smartphones and social media on teens’ feelings of loneliness. Concerns about loneliness and mental health struggles in teenagers have only grown after the year these kids have had, but this report reveals that loneliness in teens has actually been on the rise for years - doubling between 2012 and 2018. Before 2012 - that is, before over 50% of Americans had smartphones - loneliness and depression levels were relatively stable for years and even decades around the world.


Many today believe that standardized testing in college admissions is discriminatory, and equity and inclusion advocates have celebrated the increase in test-optional admissions during COVID-19. But this Atlantic article paints a very different picture, arguing that issues of equity are much more prevalent in student GPA and the course load available in high school, and that standardized testing is in fact an equalizer, at least in the University of California system that he investigates. The difference, though, is that GPA and course load are contextualized, usually by a counselor letter - admissions officers are aware of how a student performs in the context of their high school. The SAT or ACT, by contrast, do not provide the same context. This is part of why it’s really important for students to provide their counselor with thoughtful material for this letter!


Shannon held down the fort last week while I was on vacation in Italy - and in a really fun coincidence, I got to meet up with one of my all-time favorite clients in Venice after discovering that we were both there at the same time! We worked closely together for four years with two different children, but the family doesn't live in the DC area, so it was a real treat to be able to catch up face-to-face and reminisce!

And speaking of all-time favorite clients, we also released a very exciting announcement this week about our new pro bono program, in partnership with the Fieldstone Foundation! Thanks to the incredible generosity of an amazing family with daughters in both the Class of 2020 and 2021, we are now able to offer 100% FREE college counseling services to a select group of talented, ambitious students who might not have access to expert counseling. We are so grateful to them for making this possible!

Field .png

Successful applicants will demonstrate commitment and a desire to succeed, as well as significant financial need. Check out to learn more about this opportunity - and please share with anyone who might be interested in applying! We will have more to say about this program in the coming weeks :)

Have a great weekend, everyone! Exactly one month until school begins for our FCPS families. Hard to believe, right?!

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Weekly Update: July 16

Colleen is out of the office, so it’s Shannon here again with this week’s update!



Following in the footsteps of other state university systems like Connecticut, the Pennsylvania state system will be consolidating 6 different schools into just 2 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and faculty have continued to protest for their schools, but unfortunately I expect that we will see more changes like this as universities consider the best way to move forward after such a difficult year.


While the University of California system initially planned to require vaccines only once they were fully FDA-approved, the system announced a policy change yesterday that will require all students and faculty to be vaccinated before returning to campuses in the fall. The change was prompted by an increase in cases in California, and the UCs are now the largest state system in the country that will require vaccination. At the moment, nearly 500 schools will be requiring vaccines next year. Class of 2021, make sure you know the requirements for your campus before moving in this fall!


Even with those rising cases in some parts of the country, the CDC is still encouraging K-12 schools to fully reopen in the fall. This new guidance recognizes the challenges that students, parents, and teachers have faced with fully virtual learning, what the former CDC director calls the “real costs” of keeping children at home.

Large school systems are coming up with their own guidance for students and families. The New York City school system does not intend to even offer an online option next fall, while here in Virginia schools are proceeding cautiously by still requiring mask-wearing. Meanwhile, eight states including Vermont, South Carolina, and Texas have banned schools from instituting these types of mask requirements.


Community college has really come into the forefront recently with Biden unveiling a proposal this week that would provide tuition-free community college to all young adults. After community college enrollment plummeted during the pandemic, this plan may help more students attend college.

Here in Virginia, UVA’s Guaranteed Transfer Admission program makes attending community college a really attractive (and less expensive!) option. For students who meet the academic requirements at a college in the Virginia Community College System, there is a guaranteed spot at UVA waiting for them after two years! This article from the Wall Street Journal is a great read for anyone who wants to learn more about the pros of attending a community college.



Colleen will be back in the office next week - in the meantime, I am holding down the fort with the essay coaches as we work with students on their supplemental essays! I love being able to read students’ work and get to know them even better. I always discover something new about students in these essays, which is so much fun!

If you are not a client, but still want a sneak peek into what we do when we work on these essays, check out our post from last week: Supplemental Essay Secrets Revealed!

Have a great weekend!

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Weekly Update: July 9

Colleen is out of the office today, so it’s Shannon here with this week’s update!



As you have probably read already this year, on this blog and elsewhere, the number of students enrolling at colleges during COVID-19 dropped dramatically, particularly at community colleges. Now, statistics are showing an alarming drop in college persistence rates as well - the largest single-year fall since 2009. The college persistence rate (not to be confused with the retention rate) measures the percentage of students entering college in fall 2019 who returned to school in fall 2020 - this year, 73.9%. Like enrollment, persistence and retention rates declined most at community colleges.


With vaccine requirements changing by the day, it can be difficult to keep track of what you need for next year! This helpful graphic tracks the rules that states have when it comes to vaccinations (colleges in Florida and Texas, for example, are legally prohibited from requiring vaccinations), as well as providing a comprehensive list of colleges that will require the vaccine next year.


Seats for the SAT are filling up fast, so make sure that you register now! Many local schools are already full (Madison filled up the first day!) so getting a seat could be challenging if you plan to take the test this fall. We recommend completing your registration as soon as you can.



Discussions about student loan debt often focus on undergraduate students, but many young adults are in debt due to a graduate or professional degree - particularly one that did not lead to higher income to pay down the loans. This Wall Street Journal article explores “the elite master’s degrees that don’t pay off,” including programs at Columbia like film, history, social work, and architecture. The same held true at other top colleges and universities, like NYU, Northwestern, and USC, where students with six-figure loan debt from their master’s programs were making low five-figure salaries two years after graduation. Unlike undergraduate loans, there are no limits on the loans that graduate students can take out, making them very profitable for these universities.

For students who are touring colleges this summer and fall, make sure to check out this list of places you should explore on a college tour! Some of my favorites include “facilities associated with your desired major” - these are the building where you’ll be spending most of your time, and it is easy to go the entire tour seeing only the most renovated buildings on campus. Great if you’ll be studying in one of them, but not if your department is housed in that unairconditioned building all the way across campus! Same goes for any facilities related to your hobbies or extracurriculars you’d like to try. The article also recommends keeping an eye on the bulletin boards, which is a great way to see what types of activities are happening around campus.



We have continued to be extremely busy working with students on their supplemental essays (and researching to ensure that our supplemental essay prompts list remains up to date!). We love working with our students on essays - reading their writing really helps us get to know them even better!

We also have a big announcement coming up next week about a project that I have been working really hard on with one of our client parents - stay tuned!

Enjoy the weekend!

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Weekly Update: June 25



On Monday, the Supreme Court decided in a rare unanimous vote that the NCAA could not limit the educational perks offered to student athletes. These perks can include everything from scholarships and paid internships to free computers or textbooks. The ruling could lead to further action against the NCAA’s stance on compensating its players, especially in light of many new state laws that will allow athletes to make money off of their name or image, beginning July 1. 


Many students and families don’t even realize that they do have some power to negotiate for more financial assistance from colleges after admission. But this family’s successful appeal to Fairfield University led to a scholarship increase, as do around one-third of funding appeals each year. Of course, the effect of an appeal depends greatly on the school, as well as the reason for the additional funding, but if you are a student whose ability to go to your dream school is dependent on more aid, don’t be afraid to go ahead and ask!


Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation this week that will require students and faculty at state colleges and universities to take annual surveys about their beliefs. The surveys are intended to determine whether a diversity of perspectives are taught at the institution and whether students feel safe to express their beliefs. 

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The Indiana University system is one of a small number of schools in red states that will require students to have the COVID-19 vaccine in order to return to campus in the fall. Eight students filed a federal lawsuit, arguing that the requirement violates their 14th amendment right to personal autonomy. The outcome of this lawsuit could have an effect on the hundreds of other campuses that will also require the vaccine this fall.   


Duke Professor John Rose published an interesting opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, sharing the classroom principles he uses to encourage open debates in often-controversial classes like “Political Polarization” and “Conservatism.” Professor Rose says that his commitment to open conversation in a non-judgmental setting allows students to share a variety of opinions and viewpoints, and improves his class discussions. 

Speaking of Supreme Court decisions, this week also saw the Court agree with a fourteen-year-old high school student that an inappropriate Snapchat post taken outside of school should not have consequences in school. There is no doubt that the ubiquity of technology has blurred the lines between what schools can control and what they can’t, and this Washington Post article dives further into the topic, considering whether teens’ social media posts should be temporary, disappearing as they age. This is especially important to us in the admissions process - we always advise students to be careful about what they post on social media, since 36% of admissions officers say that they use social media to help make admissions decisions, and over half of those say that social media has a negative impact on the decision! 


Since the Israel-Palestine conflict worsened this spring, many schools are seeing a rise in anti-Semitism on campus. In an op-ed for the New York Times, Matthew Bronfman, chairman of Hillel International, argues that schools have to do more to protect Jewish students, while still allowing for debate about the conflict in Israel. 


Shannon attended a great webinar this week about preparing students for college success. If you’ve been reading this blog, you know that I love Julie Lythcott-Haims’ book How to Raise an Adult (so much so that we bought the companion book, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult for all of our graduating seniors!). And this slide from the presentation really sums it up - high school parenting vs. college parenting: 

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This summer is also a great time for students to learn the important skills that they’re going to need in college, and here is a list to choose from (though, let’s be real, we don’t expect many students to learn how to iron!): 

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If you are worried about your student’s organizational skills heading off to college, and you don’t want to be on call for those daily reminders, why not try out academic coaching? It is a great way for students to gain some of these skills and have a head start when they arrive at school in the fall!

Some of our current class of 2022 students have already moved on to their school-specific supplemental essays! Even though the schools are not required to release their essay topics until August 1, many release earlier, and our seniors usually have around half of their essays DONE even before the beginning of August! If you are not a current client, but you want to get ahead on your essays, check out our Supplemental Essay Prompts page, which we are updating every week as we find out new prompts have been released. Happy writing!

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Weekly Update: June 18

We hope that everyone is enjoying our brand-new federal holiday - Happy Juneteenth!



The case against Harvard’s race-conscious admissions policy has made its way all the way up to the Supreme Court, but the Court declined to review the case, asking the Biden administration to weigh in first. The delay does not necessarily mean that the case will not be heard, but it is now likely to have to wait until the next Supreme Court session in October. Harvard has asked the Court not to take the case. 


One of the most persuasive arguments for a classical liberal arts education has always been that it teaches students how to think - not just knowledge, but the ability to use and analyze it. But according to Jeff Selingo’s latest newsletter, colleges may not actually help students gain the critical thinking skills they need to be successful in the workplace. In an analysis of 2,500 college students, natural sciences students had the most gains in critical thinking skills - while business majors had the lowest! 

If you want to dive deeper into learning about how to think critically and how it benefits students in the long run, we love Range by David Epstein - this book about the importance of general skills over specialized knowledge is just one of many on our Summer 2021 Reading Guide, available to all Membership Vault subscribers! 

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While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a lot of unexpected events this year, the rise in students attending graduate and professional school was easy to anticipate. During a recession, many adults who would otherwise be working often choose to return to or continue with school, hoping to graduate into a better job market. 

But what was unexpected was the change in testing procedures - it turns out, students taking a shortened version of the LSAT at home are much less stressed than those taking the traditional test! The number of students scoring 175-180 doubled last year, leading to many more highly qualified applicants in the pool and the danger of over enrollment at almost all of the top 200 law schools. The larger class sizes are expected to lead to an extremely competitive job market for law school graduates in three years. 

There is also the consideration of what the impact will be on students applying this cycle, given the larger cohort above them. Duke, for example, offered students a $5,000 scholarship to accept a binding deferral to next year - a move that may lead to even fewer accepted students than typical for a highly selective school when it comes to this year’s applicants. 


We covered here on this blog the shuttering of Mills College, a small liberal arts college in Oakland, California. Mills was just one of several smaller schools closing its doors in response to lost enrollment and revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Northeastern University has now established an historic partnership with Mills College, bringing the school into its global network. We will be interested to see how this alliance develops, and whether other large, selective institutions follow suit when it comes to these struggling smaller campuses.



The Wall Street Journal published an article last week that is providing a lot of food for thought for us and other education professionals. The author, R.R. Reno, writes that he won’t hire Ivy League graduates - because students at selective, typically liberal colleges are not prepared to speak out against prevailing opinion, students he calls “thin-skinned.” Reno acknowledges that his organization speaks for “religious and social conservatives,” and so looks for employees that share these views. 

This Slate article, “The Real College Admissions Scandal,” attempts to shine the spotlight on private schools, arguing that the real advantage in college admissions is not athletics, legacy status, alumni donations, or race - the real advantage is attending a private school. 

This is a common misconception that we hear from students and parents, but I think the writer is conflating correlation with causation here. The article does not mention that it is typically a self-selecting group of high-achieving, ambitious students who choose to attend private schools in the first place, and that students who do so are also more likely to pursue opportunities that lead to admission at selective colleges. 

One important thing the article does mention, though, is the counselor call. We’ve talked about this on the blog before, but one of the most important things a school counselor can do to help students understand their admissions decisions is to make a counselor call, and counselors at private schools are more likely to take advantage of this than those at public schools, who often have a larger caseload and less time to make calls.

We always encourage our students, especially those who receive a defer or waitlist decision, to ask their counselor to make a call to get more information! This advocacy can definitely be important in the admissions process.



For high school students looking for a volunteer opportunity this coming year, Vienna Youth Cheerleading is looking for cheer coaches (18+) and assistant cheer coaches (16+) to teach cheerleading skills to young students and attend games and practices. Interested students should email the VYI cheer commissioner at This is a great organization!

I have been out of the office (but still working, somewhat!) for most of the past two weeks and today I took my first steps on a college campus since Covid began! My daughter and I toured Penn, which I just love.

I have mentioned before that if I could go to any school today, Penn would probably be it. I really admire the way they seek to provide ALL students with the perfect mix of pre-professional career skills and a liberal arts background. I also love the city of Philadelphia and the way it is so integrated into all things Penn, yet the campus is green and leafy with a vibrant sense of community that most other city schools are missing. Plus, students have the opportunity to become involved in athletics and/or Greek life without it overtaking the undergraduate experience .. and it goes without saying that the academic opportunities and career outcomes are phenomenal.

I will be back in the office next week, and I’m excited to jump into some more Rising Senior Meetings with the Class of 2022! Things are speeding up around here for sure and we are LOVING reading all of the supplemental essays - such a good way to learn more about all of our amazing students.

Enjoy the weekend! 

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LGBTQ-Friendly Campuses!

We are proud to both employ and serve members of the LGBTQ+ community, and wanted to take this opportunity during Pride Month to spotlight a few of the most unexpectedly LGBTQ-friendly college campuses in the country. While there are a number of schools that are widely known to come in strong in this category, such as Bryn Mawr, Wesleyan, Vassar, and Brown, we wanted to share a few others whose amazing LGBTQ+ offerings and resources are not quite as well-known to the general public.

Check them out:

Lehigh University

Lehigh’s Pride Center for Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity is dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ students on campus. Some of the Center’s signature programs include a mentorship program to match first-year students with upperclassmen, graduate students, faculty, or staff to serve as mentors. The Pride Center also maintains a public Out List of LGBTQ+ faculty and staff to allow for networking and mentorship opportunities. Trans students who are considering LU can find all of the support the school offers through Trans@LU

In addition to LGBTQ issues, the Pride Center focuses on intersectional justice, with themes that in past years have included racial justice, disability justice, and prison abolition. For students who do not identify as LGBTQ+, the Center also offers LU Allyship training to help all students become better allies to the community on campus! 


Indiana University

Indiana’s LGBTQ+ Culture Center also offers mentorship opportunities for incoming first-year students, in addition to LGBTQ-specific scholarships. The Center also offers free counseling for students, free HIV testing, and free safer sex supplies, as well as resources and guidance for students who are transitioning at IU and allyship training for all students. IU also has many student groups available for LGBTQ+ students: the Ace/Aro Group, Black & Bold, for Black LGBTQ+ students, Connections, for LBGTQ+ women and non-binary people, Men Like Us, for GBQ+ men, and the Transgender Union for Students. 

Housing at IU allows trans students to live in spaces that align with their gender identity, as well as gender-inclusive restrooms. There is also a dedicated LGBTQ+ living-learning community, called Spectrum. 

Macalester College

The Gender & Sexuality Commons at Mac offers many different events for students to celebrate and build community, including the Lavender Reception and Lavender Graduation, GSRC weekly Tea Time, and Pride Month celebrations. The center also keeps an Out & Proud list of faculty and staff, offers allyship training, and provides dedicated resources for trans students. 

Mac also provides all-gender housing for students beginning in fall 2023.


CU Boulder

CU Boulder’s Pride Office provides weekly check-ins (virtual during COVID-19) for students to attend when seeking support or community. Boulder also offers gender-neutral housing in addition to a dedicated Spectrum living-learning community with gender-neutral bathroom facilities. 

Medical Services at CU Boulder provide a variety of healthcare services for LGBTQ+ students, including identity-affirming care, identify-affirming hormone therapy, the use of preferred names and pronouns, PrEP for HIV prevention, insurance and billing support, and identity-affirming surgical options. 

University of Washington

The Q Center at the University of Washington has worked hard to offer virtual services to students during COVID-19, including a Discord group, an online Gender Discussion Group, and a QTBIPOC Discussion Group, as well as drop-in hours and a mentorship program. The Center also offers educational services, like allyship training and Queer 101, as well as events like Lavender Graduation. 

The Center also allows students to rent space and spend time building community!


Need more ideas? Check out the Campus Pride Index for more information: it measures a number of factors to help LGBTQ+ students and families find their best fit! We would also recommend looking at Princeton Review’s LGBTQ-Unfriendly list - it’s really sad that this has to exist in 2021, but here we are, so it’s better to stay informed.

Finally, if you came upon this post as an LGBTQ+ student who is embarking on the college admissions process without parental support because of your sexual orientation, our hearts go out to you. Please reach out to us - you DO have options, even if you don’t know they exist, and we would be happy to discuss them with you and get you the help you need at no charge.

While we can definitely be more useful if you contact us earlier in the process, please email us at admin at dccollegecounseling dot com at any time and one of my colleagues or I will get back to you ASAP.

Happy Pride!

Weekly Update: June 11


Happy Pride Week! We have so loved seeing all of the rainbow art around town, and are proud to be allies. Keep an eye out next week for more on LGBTQ-friendly colleges, and in the meantime check out the Princeton Review’s list of Top LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges.


Mario Ramos, an immigrant from El Salvador who came to Fairfax County in 2007, gave an inspirational commencement speech at Annandale High School last week. He gave the speech in English and Spanish, in a powerful message of inclusion for graduates. After graduating with his high school diploma, Ramos became a “classroom monitor,” helping Annandale open up to students in-person during the pandemic. 


In a session that Shannon attended on Thursday, William & Mary’s President Rowe confirmed that the school will not be requiring students to get the COVID-19 vaccine. W&M does not plan to require the vaccine until it has been approved by the FDA (it is currently under emergency use authorization), but does intend to eventually require it for students as well as faculty and staff once it receives full FDA approval. 

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The Common Application® held a webinar earlier this week which shared some important information about ongoing and future changes. I was glad to have been able to attend! Here’s what I learned:

  • The organization embarked on a pilot program between March 2020 - February 2021 called “Evolving the App,” a project which sought to ensure that all questions on the core part of the application are inclusive and do not present barriers to any applicants

    • The project was broken into five distinct stages, beginning with the identification of sections to examine and concluding with the delivery of final revisions to the Common App® technology team and member schools

    • The process was considered to be a success and will now be completed annually


Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be!

The process of transferring pre-completed information from the 2020-2021 application to the 2021-2022 application is called rollover - we work with all of our rising seniors to complete the 2020-2021 application to spread out the work involved and take advantage of this rollover option!

  • As most of them know, we will create a step-by-step guide to the rollover process by the end of the day on August 3, at which point they will hear from us with instructions to complete the Common Application® and Coalition Application Rollover processes in advance of their first August college counseling meeting.

  • They will also be asked to complete all non-essay application supplement questions at that time, along with an additional supplement guide that we will send.

  • Then, our rising seniors will have three separate college counseling meetings with Shannon and me.

    • At the first meeting, we will help them submit recommendation requests to their teachers and counselor, and we will also review/edit all of their work to make sure that you completed the rollover process and all non-essay application supplemental questions correctly.

    • At the second meeting, they will work with us to go through and finish anything that remained outstanding from the first meeting (they will typically have a list of action items from the first meeting).

    • At the last meeting, they will meet with one of us again to perform a detailed, line-by-line, final review of all applications and supplements before submission. We will discuss how the status chart and tracking process will work and will give you them final all-clear to submit! 

    • Some students prefer to submit applications with us in real time; others can do so at home with their parents. If they would like to submit together, we ask them to schedule a separate meeting to do this. 



Many schools were hoping that the drop in enrollment during COVID-19 would be limited to the fall semester, but that does not seem to be the case - while fall numbers declined 3.6% from last year, spring enrollment numbers declined 5%. 65% of total enrollment losses were felt by community colleges. 

Graduate school enrollment, on the other hand, actually increased in the uncertain job market caused by COVID-19. This means that while some students will not have college degrees, others who already have degrees are receiving more education. 


The big news in college sports this week is the expansion of the college football playoffs to include twelve teams rather than the usual four. The expanded bracket likely won’t come to pass until at least 2023, but 24 teams rather than eight are likely to see playoff games. This also means that college football players may be playing 16 or even 17 football games, increasing the potential for injury and potentially overworking athletes during a time when college athletics has been under increasing scrutiny for its treatment of college players. 

As we all know, rates of anxiety and depression for college students, which were growing over the past several years, skyrocketed during the pandemic. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be dropping now that vaccinations are widely available and campuses are opening up again for the fall. Researchers at Dartmouth discovered a correlation between students’ mental health and the prevalence of phone searches for terms like “covid fatigue” on campus. Four student deaths on Dartmouth’s 4,400 student campus this year have prompted students to call for mental health reforms, and the school has vowed to create more support for students.

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There are still plenty of summer opportunities available for students who don’t yet have their summer plans in place! If you are looking for an opportunity that starts later in the summer or fall, consider applying to work as an usher or ranger at Wolf Trap National Park. The position is open to all current high school students and will run from August 1 to October 2 during the park’s performance season. Interested candidates should email Sam Swersky, House Manager at

Shannon attended a session yesterday with the admissions offices at Barnard and Stanford to discuss selective school admissions for the coming year. We always try to emphasize to our students that no matter what, it is important to apply to a balanced list of schools. As Michael Devlin from Stanford put it, “There are more valedictorians in the United States than spots in the class at Stanford.” 

"Sometimes when students email me afterward and ask what they could have done better, there is no answer. There's nothing they could have done better." 

Yes, really! Even students who do every single thing right might be denied from an extremely selective school. “Holistic” admissions does not just mean that the admissions office reviews the student holistically, but also that they need to take into account the needs of the school and the student body as a whole, in addition to the individual applicant. 

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And for those still keeping fingers crossed on the waitlist, Barnard announced that unfortunately they are done pulling from their waitlist for the year, and Stanford expects to be done as well (though this is not confirmed). This should be a reminder to everyone to submit letters of continued interest early - Barnard was done pulling from their waitlist on May 1!

As some of you saw on social media, I was quoted this week in Forbes about whether the pandemic may have permanently boosted private school enrollment - and it was perfect timing because yesterday was my daughter's last day of school at Our Lady of Good Counsel here in Vienna after transferring from FCPS!

Those of you who have been reading since last year will remember that I was really in tune with the issue of instructional equity last spring and summer. Because I had an up-front view of the differences that my clients in public and private schools were experiencing, and also saw it myself as an FCPS parent, I was approached a lot by the media - you can read a little bit about that here.

But anyway.. here we are a year later, and as someone who literally assesses schools for a living, I can't say enough about how AMAZING our experience has been at OLGC. I honestly feel like nothing I could write would adequately express my admiration and appreciation for the administration and teachers, and the impact that their hard work had on my daughter’s life this year - not just academically, but also socially and emotionally during what was an incredibly turbulent time.

I came in just hoping she'd be able to attend in-person school - like I said in the Time piece, she just wanted to get out of the house! But what we got was so much more. I cannot tell you how much I would recommend OLGC for a family seeking a K-8 alternative to FCPS in our area (and for what it’s worth, we are an interfaith family and this was not an issue at all whatsoever).

Back to the point of the Forbes article, I feel beyond fortunate to be able to keep her there. I know that many other families all over the country are making similar decisions, and it will definitely be interesting to see the impact on private school enrollment in the long term.

Have a good weekend, stay cool, and stay dry!

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Weekly Update: June 4



With Operation Varsity Blues dominating headlines, the independent educational consulting profession has gotten a lot of scrutiny in the last few years! The College Whisperer is being advertised as the antidote to that. The new series will follow Perry Kalmus, a consultant in Alaska who was featured in the Operation Varsity Blues documentary on Netflix, as he counsels eight students through the process. The goal of the series is to show what it looks like to work with ethical independent consultants and the ups and downs inherent to an honest admissions process. Fun fact: I was contacted by a film crew to do the same thing about six years ago. I turned it down because I was pretty confident that none of my clients would be up for having their confidential information shared on national TV :)


We’ve been following the lengthening list of schools that are requiring vaccines for the upcoming school year. These requirements will not pose a problem for most of our students, who have easy access to vaccines this summer. However, it is a different scenario for international students, many of whom may not have access to WHO-approved vaccines. 

One Columbia student who received the Covavaxin shot in India has been told that she will need to be re-vaccinated with an US-approved vaccine once she arrives on campus - a potential health risk that has not been explored. India sends the second-largest number of international college students to the US (after China), so this issue is not an isolated one - we are likely to see many students who have received Covavaxin struggling with US vaccine requirements. 


Wilberforce, an HBCU in Ohio, forgave all student debt for students in the classes of 2020 and 2021 in a surprise graduation announcement on Saturday. The funding to erase the debt was secured through various nonprofit organizations. Students were excited for the fresh start that they received from the university. 


The Board of Trustees at Washington and Lee voted today in favor of the university maintaining its name, after nearly a year of investigation into the name, symbols, and other issues related to the university’s history. The board decided that it will expand diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in addition to retaining the name. The college, originally called Augusta Academy, adopted the current name in 1870. 



This is an important article from the New Yorker that gets to the heart of why students and families experience so much stress from the college admissions process - the feeling that colleges are judging applicants, in a fair environment, and finding the “best” ones. But we want to remind students and families - a college admission or rejection is NOT a personal judgment!! We do our absolute best to help colleges get to know you, but at the end of the day, there are a TON of factors that affect admissions that are completely out of your control. At the end of the day, where you go to college is part of your story, but not a value judgment on you as an individual.

We shared our recommended summer reading for high school students last week. It is super important for high schoolers to be able to talk about books, articles, and current events that interest them, especially for admissions essays and interviews! Students who don’t yet read the news regularly may be interested in participating in the New York Times’ Summer Reading Contest - where 13-19 year olds can enter to win prizes by reading an article every week this summer. 

If you are a current client looking for some good reads, don’t forget to check out our Summer 2021 Reading Guide in the Membership Vault



Shannon attended a testing update webinar this week to get some more information on this cycle of standardized testing! We learned that there is a good reason the College Board decided to drop SAT Subject Tests in favor of AP tests - students who took APs over the last few weeks probably won’t be surprised to learn that revenue from the AP test accounts for 60% of the company’s revenue. 


Despite all of the anticipation for digital versions of the SAT and ACT, we are unlikely to see digital versions of either test until 2022. The ACT is also putting plans on hold to let students retake individual sections to incorporate into their superscore - though we are hopeful that this will happen sometime in the next few years! Students using the ACT superscore should be aware, though, that schools will also receive their highest composite from a single test date along with the superscore. 

Over 4 million students have taken standardized tests this year - about half have taken the ACT and half the SAT, so as we always tell students, take the test that works for you! Colleges truly do not have a preference. And for those still waiting on a test date, keep an eye out in July for registration to open again for both tests.

While this won’t apply to families, I know that there are a lot of other educational consultants who read our blog, and I wanted to provide an update on the videos I mentioned from a few weeks back:


It can be challenging to stay on top of all the key components necessary for developing and operating an independent educational consulting business. To provide peer-to-peer training and share expertise, the IECA Business Practices Committee has created a new pilot series of videos to help you learn from fellow IECA members about topics that have been core to the growth of their practice. The video topics include: Networking 101, Project Management 101, Accounting Systems, Email Newsletters, Budgeting 101, Sales: Part of Your IEC Toolkit, Time Tracking 101, and Using Evernote. Learn more and watch the videos here (scroll down to IECA Business Training Videos icon).

Have a great weekend!

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Weekly Update: May 28

Now that summer is almost here, we’ve got a lot going on this week - graduation gifts, rising senior meetings, and summer reading lists coming your way! 



On Tuesday, Colorado became the first state in the country to ban state colleges from using legacy as a factor in admissions. This is a BIG DEAL, because it sets a precedent for other state university systems, such as Virginia (which does consider legacy as a factor) to follow suit. The move is aimed at making higher education access more equitable. 


Speaking of factors that lead to certain admissions decisions - a recent study found that college essays are “‘the most important “soft factor’ and the fourth-most important overall factor — after grades, curriculum strength and standardized test scores.” Not surprisingly, it also found that students’ essays are influenced by their social class; wealthy students are more likely to have help with their essays, whether from their parents or a paid professional. This is an important reminder that class continues to be a factor in the admissions process despite the fact that standardized test scores have lessened in importance during the pandemic.

We encourage all students to get a second set of eyes on their essays - whether you work with professionals like us or not! We saw this for the Class of 2021 and will see it again for the Class of 2022 - so-called “soft” factors like the essay, recommendations, and extracurricular activities have become more important than ever. 



We’ve been keeping track here as more and more colleges and universities announce that they will require students to be vaccinated in order to return to campus in the fall. Now, over 400 institutions are requiring vaccines. But whether or not a student needs to be vaccinated likely depends on whether the state where they will attend college is red or blue - nearly all of the colleges requiring vaccines are in states that voted for Biden. A major exception is the Indiana state system, which announced last Friday that vaccines would be required for students. 


A recent study of Big 10 athletes who suffered from COVID-19 revealed that heart damage may be more prevalent than originally thought, especially in students that have not exhibited symptoms. The researchers’ recommendations of cardiac MRIs for students may cause the NCAA to rethink its guidelines when it comes to the treatment and monitoring of student athletes who have contracted COVID-19. 



This beautiful New York Times article really captures the joy of “summer reading” - something that we certainly did a lot more of during the pandemic lockdowns! We encourage any students looking for a summer reading book to drop the plans to read books that you THINK would impress admissions officers and look for books that actually help you discover more about your passions! That way, you will be more likely to enjoy the reading AND be able to speak about it more genuinely, in a way that reflects your interests. 

And to be honest - that authenticity is what actually will impress the admissions officers. If you tell them that you’re reading War and Peace or The Fountainhead, they won’t think you’re smart - they’ll think (a) you’re lying and (b) since you had to lie, you probably aren’t reading anything at all. Not the message you want to convey in an interview!

Since many colleges will ask for reading lists, essays discussing a recent read, or mention books during the interview stage, so it is smart to have a few good ones ready to discuss. We want to particularly highlight Shape, by Jordan Ellenberg, because sometimes it’s hard for students interested in math or quantitative fields to find a book that interests them - but even future mathematicians should try to fit in some summer reading! This would be a perfect book for a math student to mention in an interview or application.

If you are a current client looking for some good reads, don’t forget to check out our Summer 2021 Reading Guide in the Membership Vault



A few private schools are already out for the summer and we have started family meetings with our rising seniors, working to finalize their college lists, make sure they are where they need to be in the process, and set a plan to finish up all of their remaining tasks in the admissions process over the summer. At this point we ideally like students to be finished with their standardized testing; to have their Common Application activities section, main essay, and four generic supplemental essays completely edited and ready to go; to have turned in the final drafts of their recommendation prep work to two teachers and their school counselor; and to have gathered all of their state residency information to prepare for any in-state applications to come.

After every meeting with students or families, we send detailed meeting recaps with what was done in the meeting as well as a list of action items for the student. Here is an example of part of a recap from a recent meeting with a rising senior:


In addition to rising senior meetings, we are already celebrating some private school graduations! Shannon has been busy packaging up gifts for our graduating seniors with some help from Tyler! 

Tyler actually went to pick up a gift for a GMU-bound student this week and was very impressed with a coffee shop near campus, Gathering Grounds. Tyler is a coffee buff (his unique approach to building community at a particular coffee shop here in Vienna even made it into his Common App essay), so you can trust his review! 

Hello everyone, this is Tyler! I just went to the Gathering Grounds Coffee Shop near George Mason University and it is incredible! They build your own coffee with tons of flavors such as blackberry, Coconut, and Lavender. I got the Coconut Latte and trust me, Starbucks has nothing on this coffee! The staff is lively and sociable, and get your coffee out in a snap, and the vibe of the shop is cozy and perfect for study breaks. If you attend George Mason and want a good hangout spot, I would highly recommend Gathering Grounds, and trust me, there's a good chance you'll become a regular. 

YUM! After a long few weeks of ordering coffee gift cards from all over the country, Shannon was THRILLED to get her own from a happy student who will be headed to a top west-coast university in the fall! We are so appreciative of our clients :) 


Our office will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday - we hope everyone enjoys the long weekend, but also takes some time to remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. If you’re looking for a good cause to support, check out The Honor Project, which I read about last night in this inspirational Washington Post piece. It really goes to show that anyone with a good idea and a passion for helping others can make a true difference in the world!

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Weekly Update: May 21

I think that today is the first graduation for a few of our seniors and we have a whole bunch following next week and the week after! Such a perfect day for a graduation and I hope that the sunshine holds for everyone else :)

June 1, 2003 - A very IMPERFECT day for a graduation but a happy one nonetheless :)

June 1, 2003 - A very IMPERFECT day for a graduation but a happy one nonetheless :)



If you have been placed on a waitlist this cycle, make sure to bookmark College Kickstart’s Class of 2025 Waitlist Statistics. They keep the page updated with 2020 statistics at a long list of schools, as well as the notification dates by which students should expect to hear about waitlist movement. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for all of you!  


If you are a student over 12 who has not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19, take note of the upcoming vaccinations at four different high school locations. FCPS is also offering transportation from the students’ base schools to the vaccination sites. 


On the college end, there’s not much consistency between the vaccine mandates from school to school - and with all of the various exemptions, rules, and laws involved, it’s no surprise that people are confused. If you are heading off to college this fall, make absolutely sure that you know what’s required of you from a vaccination standpoint so that there are no unhappy surprises during freshman orientation!

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Even with many students getting vaccinated over the summer, colleges and universities are still looking for ways to manage the virus on campus. At Colorado Mesa University, a comprehensive app tracking program developed in conjunction with the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard has helped the school to track and control COVID-19 outbreaks. Hopefully the sophisticated system in place at Colorado Mesa will become accessible to more schools, who can help to manage the coronavirus on campus when students return in the fall. 

The debate about how colleges should allocate their resources has been particularly salient in light of COVID-19, when even highly selective colleges have been struggling with budget deficits. This article argues that colleges should focus more on retention of current students than on recruitment. There is an inherent tension in higher education between the institutions’ need to make money and the desire to serve low-income and underserved student populations who can’t afford to pay full tuition. The article argues that serving the students who are already on campus, rather than working to recruit more full-pay students, would actually help to increase the institution’s bottom line by attracting more gifts from donors in support of their mission. By delivering a high-quality education to current students, schools won’t need to pay large amounts of money for the purposes of recruitment. Seems like a win-win for everyone!

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The hot weather lately definitely reminds us that summer is coming! We are still adding to our Summer Opportunities Database every week. Most recently, we featured Fairfax County’s Teen Police Academy and Future Women Leaders in Law Enforcement, both week-long camps for teenagers interested in careers in policing, law enforcement, public policy, or criminal justice. Read more about these and other camps in the Other Educational Opportunities section of the database!

We’ve been hearing from a lot of students and families this cycle that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of gaps in their education - particularly when it comes to writing. In response, we added small group writing instruction, 1:1 writing tutoring, and academic coaching to our offerings this past school year - all of which were very successful!

Please take the time to fill out this survey to let us know whether you might be interested in this offering. Whether you want to be prepared for a first-year writing seminar in college, gear up for AP Language or Literature classes next year, or get a head start on college essays, Staci and our other coaches will help you get there!

We are also working hard in our office on a little gift for our seniors - we don’t want to ruin the surprise, but we did post a sneak peek on Instagram:

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And then lastly I was asked by a professional organization to create tutorials for my fellow educational consultants on time tracking and project management - two areas in which our practice excels! I finished those this week, and they were a lot of fun to make! We are really proud of all of the systems and processes we use to make our client experience as seamless as possible :)


Have a great weekend, stay cool and AVOID THE CICADAS!! :)

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Weekly Update: May 14

Good luck to all the juniors and seniors taking AP exams this month! We’re keeping our fingers crossed for you.



The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced the new Commended Student cutoff this year - 207. The score is two marks points than last year, making it the lowest cutoff in a decade. An estimated one quarter or more of students were not able to take the PSAT last year, which may have contributed to the drop. 

We will have to wait on the Semifinalist cutoffs, which are determined by the individual state scores rather than national scores, so we may see a big variety of cutoffs depending on how available the test was to students in each state. Compass Prep predicts a cutoff in the 218 - 223 range in Virginia - we will likely see the actual numbers leaked once schools are notified in late August. 


Our first juniors have finished up their Common App essays and are starting to work on supplemental essays. Our unique process helps students prepare information that they can use across multiple essays, saving them a lot of time and energy once the specific prompts are released! 

Some schools have already released their prompts for 2021-2022, announcing that their prompts will remain the same. The UC system and the University of Miami, in particular, have both already announced that their prompts will not change from the 2020-2021 choices. Don’t be tempted to make sweeping generalizations about other schools based on this news, though! We always remind our students that they should ALWAYS wait to begin a specific essay until the school confirms its use, whether it’s a change or a continuation.


We know already that cheating has increased at all educational levels due to the online environment this school year. But it is particularly frightening when those cheating charges come from adult students who will soon have a lot of important responsibility - like medical students at Dartmouth! The accusations leveled against 17 students have prompted protests from students and faculty on campus who feel that those students were unfairly treated, especially given the unique challenges that they faced while testing remotely. The controversy centers on the fact that the school used the online Canvas system to retroactively track student’s computer activity during the tests, what some see as an unacceptable level of surveillance. 

Many different high schools and colleges also use Canvas or similar systems that enable this type of tracking, so this story should also serve as a warning to all students to avoid even the appearance of misconduct while testing or completing assignments online.



FCPS has extended the deadline for high school and middle school students to request to have a class switched to pass/fail rather than a letter grade. Seniors will need to designate a class as pass/fail by May 17, while all other students will have until June 1 to make this decision. If you are a current client wondering how to report your grades, let us know and we are happy to help!


Public universities in Florida received a lot of pushback this past cycle for being the only state university system besides Wyoming to require test scores from students. However, now that young people are able to receive vaccines and things are slowly returning to normal, more state schools may follow suit. The University System of Georgia announced this week that test scores will be required for applicants in the class of 2022. They also announced that USG campuses will return to normal in-person operations this fall, though have not yet required students to be vaccinated to return to campus (Emory, as a private institution in Georgia, does have a vaccine requirement - and will also remain test-optional in the fall).  

So if you have your heart set on UGA or Georgia Tech next year, make sure that you are taking the time to study for those tests!



Our corner of the internet has been buzzing this week about this New York Times opinion piece about the college essay. The author makes a really strong and difficult point about how many students feel that they have to “sell” their trauma, trying to outdo each other with stories of hardship that are going to pull on the heartstrings of admissions officers.

I was so struck by what the author reports her teacher asking her when she questioned this idea:

“Who are you?”

YES! The very first thing we do with any student working on their college essay is ask them to speak with family and friends and write down adjectives that those people would use to describe them. Students often think they have to have the best story, but that isn’t the case at all - it is MUCH more important to demonstrate a specific personal characteristic, and the story is just the vehicle for that! Colleges want to know who you are, where you’re going, and how you’ll contribute to their community. 

You might have a difficult story that can do all of that, and that’s great! But just writing about personal tragedy for tragedy’s sake, in a way that doesn’t demonstrate personality or growth, is not the key to a strong college essay.

I thought this was so interesting when one of my sorority sisters posted it on her social media this week! She is a professor at USF and is researching the impact of COVID-19 on undergraduate STEM education. This video on her early findings is available for online viewing until May 18.


Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams are teaming up to offer group info sessions and events for prospective students - a great opportunity for any juniors interested in small, liberal arts colleges. As you work on your college search, we really recommend seeking out sessions like these that go beyond the traditional info session. Reed, for example, is offering a variety of sessions including a Case Study of a College Application session. These case studies can be super helpful for some inside info on how the admissions office is evaluating applications. 

In more exciting news, we are so excited to welcome (back) Tyler! As we mentioned last week, Tyler was a client of ours who just finished up his freshman year at the University of Richmond! He is back in our office as our summer intern, learning more about entrepreneurship and what it’s like to run a small business. We often work with past clients on graduate school applications and we love seeing them in a different context, but this is the first time we’ve had one working alongside us!


Tyler will be taking over the midweek blog next week to share more about himself and his experience with DC College Counseling, so keep an eye out for that. He is excited to talk with both prospective and current clients about the DCCC process and the college transition, so don’t hesitate reach out to him with any questions or words of welcome!


Lastly, I really enjoyed having the opportunity to attend a Zoom on Thursday morning with admissions officers from Brandeis, University of Rochester, Case Western and our own neighbor across the Potomac, George Washington. Shannon and I have both been attending a ton of these sessions lately, but I really enjoyed this one in particular. Here are some takeaways I thought were interesting:

  • One of the schools mentioned that they look at actual interactions within prospective student online chats in order to determine demonstrated interest. So if you think that just signing into the chat is enough, think again! Make sure to come up with some well thought-out questions that show that you have done your research.

  • On that note, another school’s representative noted, “Before you demonstrate interest, you have to develop interest.” So obvious, but at the same time so wise! His point was that showing up on campus once to check off a box isn’t enough. Take your time, read your emails, do your research, maybe start a dialogue, and THEN start to demonstrate interest if you authentically have it - whether that involves showing up on campus or not.

  • Several of the schools reported some interesting observations on waitlist activity that may lead to more waitlist movement later in the summer than ever before. These fascinated me.

    • The numbers are not in alignment between the number of accepted students nationwide and the number of deposits that schools have received from the students. So there is a theory that many students have actually double OR TRIPLE (omg!) deposited this year… (like we have said, this an absolutely terrible idea). And if that’s what’s going on, we’re going to see a ton of activity right around the time when tuition payments are due. At some schools, that’s just two weeks before the start of the semester.

    • Many enrollment management offices are concerned about the travel bans in place with foreign countries and the impact that this could have on international student visas. These students were accepted and have enrolled, but if their visas don’t come through, there are going to be a lot of spots opening up at the end of the summer as a result. When Shannon and I were talking about this yesterday, she made a particularly insightful comment about how waitlisted students who didn’t apply for financial aid are the ones who will really see a huge benefit from this. This is because international students are nearly always full-pay and most schools won’t replace a full-pay student with one that has financial need, so I think she’s absolutely correct. And this, my friends, is why you don’t apply for financial aid just to apply!

Enjoy the weekend!

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General Education Curriculum Series 5: Brown

For the final post of our General Education Curriculum Series, we’re tackling Brown University. 

Why? Because Brown is the best example of the complete opposite approach to Columbia’s. At Brown, there is no such thing as a core class - they have an open curriculum, and students have a ton of freedom and flexibility. Forget a core curriculum, Brown doesn’t even have traditional “majors” - instead, students choose a “concentration” or “focus area” to anchor their undergraduate program. 

During Brown’s “shopping period” at the start of the semester, students can try out classes that may interest them and discuss them with their peers, as well as academic advisors and faculty. Students may choose to create a liberal arts course of study that explores a variety of different subjects, or they may delve deeply into one or two - Brown puts the creation of the curriculum fully into the hands of students. 


Okay, so what are the takeaways from this non-curriculum curriculum? Here are a few:

1. You’ve got options

Really, a lot of them. Want to explore ten different subjects before you choose your concentration? You got it. Know what you want to do and just ready to dive deeper? Go ahead. Brown’s open curriculum is student-centered, meaning that you are the one who decides how your college experience will look. 

2. You need to be decisive

The flip side of all that choice is that there is no guidance laid out by the school as to what you should take. Particularly if you want to continue your education after college, you might need to do your own digging into recommended pre-med or pre-professional courses to ensure that your transcript is up to par with students who have received more of a measured curriculum approach. 

Even for those who don’t intend to head to graduate school or begin a career that requires certain coursework, the fully flexible curriculum can seem overwhelming. Some students may feel as if they need some guidance on the classes that will best prepare them for life after Brown. 

3. You’re on your own

Well, not entirely. Brown has both peer and faculty advisors available to help and support you as you design your curriculum. But the system is set up so that you may not have one single class in common with everyone else in your freshman dorm. The complete flexibility of the curriculum means that there are no common courses for everyone to bond over, and you could go through the curriculum without connecting to your peers in the classroom. You may care about this, you may not.

There you have it: four very different schools with very different undergraduate curriculum options! So whether you are a sophomore just beginning your search or a senior jumping into course registration for your freshman year in college, make sure you read up on the curriculum options available to you and talk with us if you need help. This is particularly the case for graduating seniors - it can be very overwhelming to plan out a four-year course of study when you haven’t even arrived on campus yet, but that’s often the right approach to make sure that you’re able to achieve your goals while graduating on time!

Not a current client? Book a strategy session and we can help you work through the confusing curricula that you are considering. And don’t forget to check out the previous posts in this series down below!


Weekly Update: May 7

Congratulations to all of the seniors who sent in their deposits last weekend - we are so proud of you!



With all the focus on whether or not students and faculty can safely interact in-person on campus, many people have overlooked the other major population on college campuses - staff! At some universities, staff are overwhelmingly in favor of continuing to work remotely. At Duke, for example, three-quarters of staff want to work remotely three to five days per week. Colleges and universities, which often pay less in salary than private companies, are considering remote work as a potential benefit to attract top employees. Georgetown, for example, is planning to indicate in job descriptions going forward which positions can be done remotely. It will be interesting to see how colleges, especially those with a high value on a residential campus community, respond to the increasing push for remote work. 


Cornell’s spring BIPOC Rock Climbing course has caused some outrage from those who see this type of course offerings as in violation of Title IV, a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race or national origin in education programs. Cornell says that all students on campus have access to rich opportunities, and that this course is intended for students who are traditionally underrepresented in the sport of rock climbing. 


Decision Day has passed, but for juniors who are still working on putting together a college list, we recommend giving this Forbes article a read - a professor and parent of a college senior provides some interesting considerations as you think about which college would be the best fit for you! We want to emphasize:

“There are amazing universities across the spectrum. Pick one that fits individual needs not ‘name’ or ‘reputation’ metrics alone.”



Several great articles this week that focus on equity in the college admissions process. This one from the Atlantic is a must-read! It delves deeper into the issues referenced in the above quote, discussing the chicken-or-the-egg relationship between college admissions, elitism and social status.

“Today, schooling is how elites secure income and pass their privilege down to their children. The U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges Rankings are our Debrett’s Peerage and Baronetage. And it is a truth universally acknowledged,” it reads, in a satirical take on the first line of Pride and Prejudice, “that elite parents, in possession of excellent jobs, want to get their kids into college.”

Can’t argue with that, and some of the statistics mentioned in the piece were staggering, including a study quoted by Ron Lieber which found that “nearly 50 percent of America’s corporate leaders, 60 percent of its financial leaders, and 50 percent of its highest government officials attended only 12 universities.” In this type of landscape, it’s not surprising that many students and families feel so much pressure to keep rankings at the forefront of their college search.

Varsity Blues demonstrated the dangers that arise when students and families become hyper-focused on admission to a big-name school, but schools also have issues with this system, going as far as to hire expensive “rankings consultants” to help them increase their ranking (or even, as with the Temple University business school dean we discussed two weeks ago, falsifying the numbers to beat the ranking system!). 

And we recognize that the role of private college consulting companies is often considered alongside these considerations, as discussed in this Yale Daily News article. Here at DC College Counseling, we pride ourselves in working hard to discover students’ true passions and best-fit schools, rather than focusing on the rankings alone, but we recognize that not all students and families are able to afford our services (though, keep an eye out for an exciting announcement about that coming your way soon!).

However, we believe that students and families deserve robust support during this challenging time, and that school counselors do not always have enough resources to be able to provide that support to each student. We are proud to be part of the educational support network that our clients have built! We are educators first, and that is the attitude that we want to bring to all of our students and families. This is a nuanced article with a lot of information about the work that independent counselors do, for those looking for more information about these considerations.


Speaking of equity and rankings, I am always excited to read work from Angel Perez, CEO of the National Association of College Admissions Counseling. In his most recent article, he explores the issues driving people away from the admissions profession. This is a tension that so many admissions officers experience (including Shannon and I!) - entering the profession with the goal of helping young people get a great education. Angel offers several different ideas for colleges to step away from a focus on the bottom line, like diversifying revenue streams, so admissions and enrollment professionals don’t feel that pressure to meet the budget, and creating a more flexible culture in higher education as a whole. 

Jeff Selingo, in a LinkedIn article this week, also offered some ideas for how higher education can view emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity for a reset. Some changes include:

  • Students watching pre-recorded lectures at home, but using class time for discussions and group work. 

  • Changes in grading, particularly grades based on participation, given the challenges that students and teachers faced with this issue during online learning. 

  • More flexibility for students with class assignments, including major exams and papers, after a year that has required professors to become a lot more comfortable with flexibility! 

  • An emphasis on human connection and campus community - something college students have really missed this past year. 


Jeff’s article also gives some more interesting insight into test optional admissions this cycle. We’ve written before about how it does seem that testing had some effect on admissions this year, and this is particularly true in STEM subjects - students applying for STEM majors were much more advantaged by submitting test scores than those who applied for majors in the humanities or social sciences. At schools like Emory, Colgate, Georgia Tech, and Vanderbilt, students who submitted test scores were more likely to be admitted than those who did not - so if you have the opportunity to take a test this cycle, take advantage of it! You can always decide whether or not to submit the scores later. 


We are so impressed with the determination and perseverance of our juniors, who continue to finish up their beautiful Common ApplicationⓇ essays as they juggle school work and preparing for AP exams, which started this week at many schools! 

We’ve also had several strategy sessions with younger students who are planning ahead, and as we tell them, this is the perfect time to start thinking about your four-year plan for high school and how the next four years can help you develop your passions.

Lastly, we’ve been busy getting ready for the newest member of our team.. our summer intern and former student, Tyler! A future entrepreneur himself, Tyler will be spending the summer with us learning about what it’s like to run a small business. You’ll hear from him periodically with his perspective on a variety of different topics: the college search and admissions process, the transition from high school to college, attending college during Covid, and more!

Finally, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

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If you’re tired of reminding everyone about everything and carrying the burden of the mental load - the “mostly invisible combination of anxiety and planning that is part of parenting,” (a) I can relate and (b) our team can help! Book a Meet & Greet and get the college admissions-related reminders, worrying and stress off your plate!

Now can someone please invent a way to outsource reminders about keeping kids’ hands off the walls?! My four-year-old son and I will be your first clients :) Have a great weekend!

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General Education Curriculum Series 4: Columbia

We are heading back to our General Education Curriculum Series and moving out of Virginia this week with an up-close look at Columbia’s curriculum. 

We chose Columbia because it is one of the schools with the most emphasis on a robust set of general education requirements for students in Columbia College, the Arts and Sciences division (students who enter into the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science will have different requirements).

It always strikes me as interesting that so many students who apply to Columbia don’t understand the Core Curriculum or realize that the academic experience there is very different from most other schools as a result of it. I don’t think it’s coincidental that the Columbia application includes more than one essay regarding fit - they want to know if you know that they have the Core Curriculum in the first place, if you understand what it entails and why they believe it is valuable, and the reasons you think it would be a good fit for you!

If you don’t mention it at all in your application, they are just going to assume that you are “checking off the box” and applying to Columbia “for the wrong reasons” - because it’s an Ivy League school, because it’s in New York City, and so forth.

Let’s dive in!

Unlike the general education requirements we outlined at William & Mary and UVa, Columbia’s Core Curriculum requires that ALL students take the exact same course to fulfill many of their requirements - meaning that students in these courses are doing the same readings and assignments at the exact same time. 



Literature Humanities

This course is taken by every single first-year Columbia College student. Students read and discuss works by Homer and Dante (which haven’t left the required reading list since the curriculum was implemented 75 years ago!), as well as canonical texts like Montaigne’s Essays or Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse. Students read and discuss one text each week in seminars of about 20 students, and each seminar moves through the exact same texts at the same pace. 

University Writing

First-year students are also required to take one semester of a University Writing course. In this case, students do have the option to choose a topic: American Studies, Gender & Sexuality, Human Rights, Data & Society, and Medical Humanities are some of the options for students here. However, no matter which class you take, you will be writing the same four essay assignments as your fellow students: an analysis, a reading of multiple texts, a research paper, and an op-ed. This is different from many other schools, where first-year writing classes are left to the individual instructors to design. 

Frontiers of Science

You may be noticing by now that your first year schedule is getting pretty full! Freshmen must also take a one-semester course in modern science. All students attend a large lecture on Mondays, and meet with professors or TAs in small seminars throughout the rest of the week to discuss the lecture and any associated readings. So again, though the seminars may be small, the material is the same for all first-year students. 

Contemporary Civilization

This is the second-year core curriculum course. Like Literature Humanities, it is a full-year course where all students study the exact same texts at the same time, in small seminars. This original Core course has been offered since 1919 and includes texts like Plato’s Republic, the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Qur’an. 

Art Humanities

Before their senior year, students must also take one semester-long course in important works of Western art. In 20-person seminars, students examine and analyze these pieces. Classes can make use of Columbia’s NYC location to visit buildings, monuments, and museums as part of their art exploration. The requirement to study art history or art analysis is very unusual for undergraduate programs of study.

Music Humanities

In addition to Art Humanities, students also take a semester-long course in important works of Western music. Like Art Humanities, Music Humanities has been part of the core curriculum since 1947, and is also a very unusual requirement for an undergraduate program.


In addition to these strict core courses, Columbia students also have general education requirements similar to those at the schools we’ve already discussed. However, they can be met by multiple courses and offer some flexibility. 


Science Requirement

Students must take ten credits (typically three courses) in science in order to meet this requirement. The required Frontiers of Science course counts toward the science requirement, so students who take that course in their first year must take two additional courses in science before they graduate. These courses are typically in Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, or Physics, though this requirement can also be met by some Math and Computer Science courses. 

Global Core Requirement

Global Core courses typically explore the cultures of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Middle East in a historical context. These survey courses are meant as a supplement to the Western-focused required core classes. Students must take two courses to meet the Global Core requirement. This requirement is met by many courses in History, Religion, and Cultural Studies. 

Foreign Language Requirement

This requirement, unlike the others, can be met by an AP test or by a Columbia-administered test for students who have already achieved intermediate proficiency in a foreign language. Otherwise, students are required to take an intermediate-level foreign language course to meet this requirement. Like many other schools, Columbia waives this requirement for students whose first language is not English. 

Physical Education Requirement

Another surprising one, although not quite as rare as the art and music requirements - Columbia is one of the institutions that require students to take a physical education course! Completion of two physical education activities is required in order to graduate. Student-athletes can also gain credits through their sport. In addition, all students are required to either pass a swimming test or take one semester of a beginner’s swimming course unless they have a registered disability that does not allow them to do so.


As you may be able to tell, Columbia is SERIOUS about its Core Curriculum. Here are our three takeaways:

1. You’ll get the breadth

No matter which type of student you are, Columbia’s curriculum will likely require you to take a class that you’re not too excited about. While some students may see this as a negative (I would have, for sure), others intentionally seek it out. They believe that it will help them to explore outside of their interests and maybe give them the opportunity them to fall in love with a subject that they never even knew about in high school! If you are looking for a true liberal arts experience, with a wide array of courses, this might be a great choice for you, but students who know what they want to study and don’t want to do a whole lot of writing and analysis may become frustrated with all of the core classes. 

2. You’re in good company

Did you read those dates earlier? Some of Columbia’s core courses have been around since 1919! That means that not only will you be learning the exact same material as your classmates, you will also be learning some of the same material as most Columbia alumni! The Core Curriculum will help you to connect and commiserate with your freshman hall-mates about the course material, and also provide you with a talking point for all of the networking you’ll be doing with alumni as a senior! 

3. You don’t have a lot of space

As you may have realized reading through that list of courses and requirements, Columbia does not give you nearly as much space in your schedule as some other schools. If you really want to dive deep into your major, or if there are other electives that you want the chance to explore beyond those listed, this type of curriculum might make you feel frustrated and stuck. So consider carefully how you will feel about these requirements before applying to a school that has a lot of them!

In case you missed it, don’t forget to check out our series kickoff post about undergraduate curricula!


Weekly Update: April 30

Decision Day is almost here - good luck to all of the seniors who are making their decisions this weekend! Make sure to celebrate once that deposit is in :)



Over 100 colleges and universities will require COVID-19 vaccinations for students this fall, with Emory, Wesleyan, Stanford, and others announcing that they will require vaccines. Colleges are still dealing with outbreaks of coronavirus, even as students are eligible to get vaccinated this spring. While many of the schools requiring vaccines are private, some public schools are requiring them as well - including the University of Maryland system. Other schools, like Baylor, are not requiring vaccinations, but are allowing vaccinated students to skip mandatory COVID-19 testing, creating an incentive for students to get vaccinated. The University of Wyoming is taking incentives a step further - vaccinated students will be entered into weekly prize drawings, and staff will receive an extra day off! 


I think it is hard for many students and families to realize how many scholarships are out there! Even for students who did not receive merit aid from their college of choice, there are still private options to apply for this spring and summer. Check out any local community groups you belong to, as well as any groups for your particular academic interest - there is a lot of money that you could find! Shannon even applied for a scholarship for tall students when she was going to college. As the article states:

“Do you love asparagus? There’s a scholarship for that. Are you left-handed? There’s a scholarship for that.” 

So do your research!


One of the components of President Biden’s $1.8 trillion (ouch) American Families Plan involves free community college for all Americans - regardless of income. While I am NOT a fan of increased government spending in general, I really do like this idea. I’ve written about this before, but I have always found it sort of puzzling that more families in our area do not consider community college to be a viable plan for their students. I get that most of us are hoping for a traditional college experience for our children, but you truly cannot beat NOVA’s guaranteed admissions agreements. Yes - guaranteed! You will automatically get a spot at the University of Virginia and other great schools if you spend your first two years at NOVA, take certain classes and achieve a 3.4 GPA or higher. That’s pretty incredible when you consider what it takes to get into UVa these days. And I haven’t even gotten into the cost savings! For a student who doesn’t mind sticking around for two more years, this could really be a path worth considering. Remember, it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish!



We’ve heard a lot about artificial intelligence in the last several years - how it might affect jobs and even everyday tasks. But higher education is not immune from AI, and many schools are increasingly relying on the technology to do everything from emailing students to grading assignments. Algorithms have even worked their way into admissions, raising questions about bias if we have programs, rather than humans, evaluating students. NYU, for example, uses a program to determine students’ interest in the school based on how they interact with the school’s website and respond to its messages. Georgia Tech pioneered a chat bot, not only to answer questions from admitted students, but to serve as a TA, answering questions about course material. We will have to wait and see if these technologies become more prevalent in making big decisions!


From a do-it-yourself graduation at the University of Tampa to arrivals in shifts at Vanderbilt and Northwestern, colleges and universities throughout the country are taking all kinds of approaches to graduation ceremonies this year. This New York Times piece details the various options, along with the frustration that the students and parents feel about the situation.


We are so excited for all of our seniors who have sent in deposits, and have been busy talking through a few last-minute decisions over the past few days! Congratulations to everyone for such phenomenal success in such a difficult year. We are so proud of you!

We also passed a fun milestone - our first junior is 100% done with her main college essay, and we have about ten more right behind her in the final editing stage! Our students go through a very extensive soup-to-nuts process to make sure that their work is “17-year-old-perfect” and represents their best selves. It’s so nice for them to have this huge accomplishment out of the way and finished early.

For juniors looking for a weekend activity, we recommend attending NACAC’s Virtual College Fair, including live and recorded sessions from over 600 colleges - a great way to get an overview of many different institutions. 

Enjoy the sun this weekend and be careful out there in the wind today! I just heard from friends that a tornado hit Great Falls?! Yikes! No clue if that’s true but I sure hope everyone is safe!

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Weekly Update: April 23

Happy Earth Week! Don’t forget to check out our blog from earlier this week about some of the greenest colleges in the country if you are hoping to be eco-focused all year round.



Back in 2020, West Point experienced its largest cheating scandal in decades, when over 70 cadets were accused of cheating on a calculus exam. 55 of the students who confessed to cheating were enrolled in the academy’s “second chance” program, which provides rehabilitation for cadets who break the rules. Now, the academy is announcing plans to scrap the second chance program, in an effort to crack down on cheating in the future. 


ACT has rolled out an option that allows students to submit their own ACT-generated superscore to colleges instead of sending multiple score reports and letting schools calculate, which has always been the process in the past. The concept is a good one, but in practice it’s been very confusing. Compass Prep did a great job of putting together a guide for students who are interested in sending ACT-generated superstores.  


As I posted on social media earlier this week, we’ve started seeing waitlist movement already. For context, it’s EXTREMELY rare to see waitlist activity before the reply deadline of May 1, because it doesn’t make sense to start accepting students from the waitlist until all of the admitted students have responded and schools can determine how many spots remain. So this was either part of the overall enrollment management strategy, which is very possible in such a conservative year, or these schools are trending very, very poorly with their yield, which is also possible. Either way, the fact that this is happening so early means that any expressions of demonstrated interest, including LOCIs, need to happen immediately! The schools that have already turned to the waitlist include NYU, Barnard, Lehigh, SMU, Virginia Tech, JMU, and many more!


This is a follow-up to one of our long-time favorites, How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success. The author, Julie Lythcott-Haims, is the former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford and is so spot-on in so many ways. Truly, every parent should read the first book if they haven't already, and we're willing to bet that the new student version is just as great. Although if you are one of our graduating seniors or transfers, don’t buy it… a copy may be coming your way in the future! :)

You can get a sneak peak from Julie's famous Ted Talk on raising successful kids without over-parenting, as well as her recent NPR interview. Julie's experience with her own son really resonated with us, because we see this all the time

"He got a diagnosis of ADHD and anxiety when he was in the fourth grade... And I think in hindsight, my husband and I didn't quite understand what that meant. He seemed to be so smart and capable and kind and lovely and had good friends and was doing just fine …. [but] he really got into a downward spiral when he got to college. When the scaffolding of home and high school was taken away, this kid began to really struggle."

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For many students, the most difficult part of the transition to college is learning how to manage their time - they see a lot more white space on the calendar, but really, that means that they have to figure out their own schedule and that can be incredibly difficult for students used to the structure of high school.

These are exactly the kind of skills that we teach students through academic coaching, which is a great idea for high school and college students alike who need a little extra help developing the executive functioning skills that will set them up for success! Interested in learning more? Book an academic coaching Meet & Greet!


If you are looking for a fun virtual activity for young students, check out the University of Maryland’s first virtual Maryland Day on Saturday, April 24! Sessions include “Fun Science for Kids,” “Build a Better Lemonade Stand,” “Dance and Movement,” “Engineering is Awesome!” and more! 

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The lack of standardized testing this cycle, along with a nationwide focus on social justice, has enabled colleges and universities to welcome their most diverse classes ever. Relying on standardized testing often works to the advantage of more affluent families, who can afford tutoring and test prep, so the removal of the emphasis on standardized tests worked to level the admissions playing field this year. Last year, 77% of students reported test scores with their applications - this year, that number was only 46%. We are likely to see similar numbers this cycle, as many schools remain test optional for the Class of 2022. 

If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know that we take US News ratings with… a few grains of salt. But many students and families use rankings to consider their college choices, and in fact rankings do become more important for graduate schools like business and law school (as opposed to undergraduate programs, where rankings truly don’t provide much useful information).

The pressure placed on schools to retain their place in the rankings was brought to life this week when the former dean of Temple University’s business school was federally charged with fraud for falsifying information to ensure that the school would appear at the top of the US News list. This scheme doubled Temple’s enrollment for MBA programs, which rose from #28 on the list to #1 within two years. This just goes to show that US News does not audit the data that schools send in for rankings - and the rankings system may be even more precarious than we thought! 


Shannon and I both attended an great discussion on Clubhouse this week called “What the Heck Just Happened?” - funny, right? But it’s a completely accurate description of the reactions we’ve seen from counselors after this “hectic and insane” admissions cycle! Everyone in attendance emphasized the need for a balanced, conservative college list, given the current upheaval (which is likely to continue for at least the next several years).

My colleague Joyce Wong, who serves with me on the Independent Educational Consultants Association’s Business Practices committee, is a prominent consultant in the Bay Area. I couldn’t agree more with how she summed up the list-making process:

“More than ever it is so important to have a balanced list… I don’t think our parents fully understand what unpredictability means. There is really no formula for guaranteed admissions and that’s a [mindset] that is hard to break.”

She’s completely right - this really is a mindset issue. This is not the college admissions process of a generation ago, a decade ago, or even a year ago - so it’s been a tough season for many students and families that didn’t know what to expect and didn’t have enough options spanning a wide range of selectivity.

However, that does not mean that there aren’t things you can do to help make your application as strong as possible. We keep reminding students that even with their activities severely limited by the pandemic, they can still include the passions they’ve taken on during their time at home - baking bread, learning to code, studying aquatic animals - there are so many things that students can do now to show colleges their drive and passion. Bob Carlton, another seasoned consultant who chairs the committee on which Joyce and I serve, noted:

“Personal stories seemed to be much more significant - their ability to find their personal story and their impact [for the] common good - how they are helping with an issue that they care about in society or in their neighborhood.”


Even with the crazy and unpredictable admissions cycle, we are so relieved to have a lot of happy students who followed our advice and made smart, strategic decisions. During this past week, we started to hear from transfer applicants and I have to say - these decisions on the whole are coming in much better than I expected! We LOVE to get emails like this one, which came from one of our favorite students last night:


I mean, how can you not read an email like that and want to jump up and down?! #lovethisjob

And for our seniors who are still trying to make their final college decisions, check out our blog post from earlier this week on choosing your college - we know it can be stressful to make this decision, but you have everything you need, and you can have a fulfilling college experience at whichever school you choose!

Enjoy the weekend!

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