How to Make a Great Impression on the First Day of School

The first day of school can be nerve-wracking for many students - and it’s right around the corner for most of ours! Whether you're starting a new school or returning to the same one, it's important to make a good impression on your first day. Here are some tips to help you start the school year off on the right foot:

Finish your summer work

Did you have any required summer reading? Or maybe an AP assignment to complete over the summer? Make sure you’ve finished any work that’s been assigned to you over the summer. You don’t want to have to admit to your teacher on the first day that you didn’t do your homework! And who wants to start off the school year already behind?

Look your best

Your appearance can say a lot about you, so make sure to dress appropriately for the first day of school. This means following the dress code, if there is one, and making sure your outfit is clean and wrinkle-free. We also recommend getting a fresh haircut. While these details may seem small, they give the impression that you care. Plus, you’ll feel more confident if you’re looking your best. 

Get to school early

The first day of school is likely to create additional traffic jams on the highway (especially in the DMV area!) and even in the school parking lot. Plan to arrive a bit early, so you’re not stressed, or even worse, late for your first class. Use the extra time to organize your locker, catch up with friends, and find your classrooms. You’ll feel much calmer and will be prepared to start the day off right. 


Even if you’re not a morning person, even if you’re not thrilled to be back at school, smile! It will set a positive tone for the day and draw people to you. This is especially important if you’re starting a new school and need to make some connections and lunch buddies fast! 

Introduce yourself to teachers

Okay, this might sound like a dorky move, but we promise that it goes a long way! Introduce yourself to your new teachers. You don’t have to offer up a formal handshake, but a quick “Hi, my name is…” when you come into class shows you’re mature and personable. And if there’s anything you want to share with your teacher—like how you’ve always struggled in math or have accommodations—send an introductory email or arrange a meeting. They’ll be impressed that you are taking initiative!

Introduce yourself to students

And while you’re at it, introduce yourself to new students. They’ll appreciate your efforts to make them feel more comfortable on the first day. If you are a new student, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, either! A small “hi” to the classmate sitting in the desk next to you or “do you mind if I sit here?” at lunch will show off your confidence, even if you’re faking it a bit until the anxiety of your first day eases.

Listen and participate

The first day can be intimidating, but make it your goal to participate at least one time in each class. This will show your teachers that you are engaged and interested in learning. It will also help you make a good impression on your classmates, as they will see that you are knowledgeable and enthusiastic!


By following these tips, you can start the school year off on the right foot and set yourself up for success. Remember to be yourself, be prepared, and have a positive attitude—and you'll do great!